Compound Media LITERALLY Stinks

1  2018-12-18 by TammyHogfleisch


bunch of fags & fag enablers over there, but mostly fags.

Like I love traps, but rank ass is still terrible.

Wash your ass.

Edgy faggit

That's kind of funny. I bet Anthony was seething inside but just over the top laughed uncomfortably because he is a massive pussy. Imagine what his house smells like with all those retards and children everywhere?

That's the smell of failure Milo, better get used to it.


Obscurity TM for men

for men who like men

Milo sucks I didn’t even know he was still around lol.

He said all homosexuals are pedophilles and it's normal for old men to fuck 13yr old boys..

Pedophilia is how homosexuals reproduce.

I love how he basically confirmed that homosexuality is an unnatural predatory degeneracy

That's why Ant likes him.


I'm so old I remember when every gay dude admitted that.

Tranth really adds nothing but fake laughter and repeating the last words his guest just said. What a delusional old lady.

old lady


Anthony is officially a blue-haired old bag. And there's nothing more apt to describe the persona of an aged, sad, and closeted queen. A brown paper shopping bag that is a void surrounded by a crinkly, brown exterior that's been sandblasted and blown around a Walmart parking lot for hours before being filled up with a hobo's various bodily fluuuuids.

who the fuck wants to listen to these little tacky quips he spits out the side of his mouth real quick while he's talking then just steamrolls over them to finish his sentence.

The smell is the chemical snail trail that is left in big As wake. You need to hold a seance to summon a spirit to excorcise the odor of that fat oaf from the room

That's Dave landows wifes odor on his clothes

hahaha its true too

Milo and Anth: Two pedophiles

Someone should attend a TACS as an audience member and get the scoop on how gross the studio is. It sounded like Anthony admitted that Geno was living in the studio which could be an issue with the terms of his lease.

CP Media smells like the back room at Comet Ping Pong