“I wouldn’t be arrogant enough to come in here after using spice for two days. It’s in my system and it shouldn’t be.”

1  2018-12-18 by GorramTimebomb


Man thats a good ass reference. Maudib's blessings for you.

do one of Anthony as a Mentat

It's Baron Harkheroin from Giedi Prime Rib

Baron Hackonnen

Wow, he got his nose fixed.

too fat to levitate

Notsoshai Fatdude

Dope is the mind-killer.

Is Tom Sizemore still alive. These two should do a show together.

If a sandworm ate Artie it would throw him up immediately.

bite's Bobo's dick off

Holy shit great reference

Lynch did the best he could. I don't fault the man.

Who are we more likely to lose in 2019, 94 year old cancer survivor Jimmy Carter (who to be fair I'm sure gets top notch healthcare), or Artie?

Had to lookup reference, there's actually a fucked up drug called spice in the UK

Ya it was a legal high. I partook back in the day. Just a whiff though. Just a whiff