When 2 hideosly deformed hacks touch you simultaneously

1  2018-12-18 by ISO__JOE


Attell is loyal to a fault.

Anyone that matters who still associates with any of these people are.

Rogan, Burr, Ronnie B, Vos, Bobby.

Lol Vos mattering

cancer patient and shitbeard in the morning

Surprised Jim & Sam showed such restraint as opposed to kissing Dave on the cheek from each's respective side.

hahaha jim's wearing another funny hat

He stole Ruiz's bit.

Now way. Jim genuinely doesn't listen to Opie's podcast.


It's merch from Dave's show. He probably wanted it signed.

He's so pathetic.

Dave handed the merch out on the air.

Only a matter of time until he starts wearing those World Champion hats Judah Friedlander wears. Fucking thieving hack.

It's too big for his head and he knows it, what a wacky guy!

I bet Sam can’t name 3 Holyfield fights

I doubt he knows who he is. Unless he was special guest referee on wwf like buster Douglas.

Ding ding ding. Googled it and he was part of some stupid exhibition boxing match on WWE a few years ago. Does Sam seriously know ANYTHING that's not two degrees seperated from wrestling??


Uhh.. uhh.

Mike Tyson....

Mike Tyson II...

and Mike Tyson III: Thon of Tython?

Remember what Florentine said about the show at the Vos roast?

Fucking assholes

Jim looks both 67 and 13 years old.

Ant doesn’t know whether to fuck him or ignore him.

Ant fucks Jim if he wears the Chip wig.

Either way he’s between 8 and 80 so he’s gettin’ an iPad.

Naturally, he's very charitable person. when I think of Ant I think that's a man who would just as likely keep track of Amazon wishlists of a 60yr old woman as much as a teenage girl.

He looks like he has both childhood leukemia and progeria.

He really does look like a progeria kid with a facelift.

child and child molester at the same time

Jim looks like a stage IV make-a-wish kid

There is no stage 5.

No shit Sherlock

Its called progeria. We don't make fun of people with terminal illnesses. Unless it this faggot.

For sale: 2 unfinished puppets; stick-bodies intact.

Attell should be selling trinkets at a Moroccan bazaar.

Or maybe a low key rehash of Insomniac, which was undoubtedly and even still today the greatest non-skit comedy show ever to grace cable television.

Was it "low key" you high key faggot?

That's gonna be a "yikes" from me, chief.

Hahahah Atell definitely isn’t a touchy feely person either. he looks ready to jump out his skin

never got the Attell hype

Jewish guy in the industry for 20+ years. He isn't that good in terms of comedy lots of throw away one liners.

Nice username faggot

It's a bearers market

Insomniac was a hit before Comedy Central got all cucked up.

People in the industry call him a “comedians comedian”.

I think Attell's charm is the fact he's just a joke teller and never got into that "comedians are philosophers" bullshit.

yeah hes a fucking hack. "haha por haha jerking off haha playboy mansion hahahaahahaah"

It's okay to be wrong sometimes.

He grinds. He plays all over the place and seems fairly nice. He's a real comedian. Doesn't do anything but tell jokes. Doesn't sing, dance or really act.

Terry Davis lookin' nigga

Where do these two keep finding boxer hoodies in Boys M?

They are the weakest adults in the world but maybe they can fool people if they wear that shit

Dave is looking extremely healthy for a chainsmoking Hebrew well into middle age.

Weeds don't wither easily

Maybe he just looks good cause of who you’re comparing him to

I saw him Sunday night at the Comedy Store, and he looked almost freakishly young. It was weird, it's like he's got some Benjamin Button shit going on.

That beard just angers me so much. It looks like a muppet mouth.

It looks like a queens cunt face to me.

Amen. Between that, all of BK and the north west bx itd be great if comet fell from the sky

Sam wearing an Evander Holyfield shirt when he's never watched a boxing match (or sporting event) in his life. What a pussy

No better than Norton rocking the Metallica shirt when the only Metallica song he probably knows is Enter Sandman.

Ride the lightning, tss(downvotes to the left)

I wish Tyson would bite Sam’s ear off

Why stop at the ear?

Sams eyebrows looks like swiming cum

Sam looks like a wooly-headed dune-coon dressed up as Billy Mays for Halloween.

Old Davey Ten Shirts

Anyone who doesn't like Attell is a retard jigaboo fag

I work with a retarded jigaboo fag, and even he likes Dave.

This world is topsy turvy anymore

We're through the looking glass, people.

Bumping mics is bad. The premise is great but Attell is so fucking stiff with the scripted work. He lands some good jokes but it is hard to watch. Jeff Ross is good at being Jeff Ross but it's the same thing again and again with him. It seemed like a payday that neither should have done. But what do I know, I just make the muffins down at Panera, ya know.

You and the motherfucking muffins at the panera

You lying binary faggot!

Dave now looks like a propaganda poster from the good ol'days. Yet he looks the most human out of all them. https://www.ushmm.org/m/img/47470-500x700.jpg

This is after Jim bitched for ten minutes about comics wanting to come in at 10am ("except for guys like Attell, of course"). He stated that "I get up every morning at 6am and HATTTEEEE it....so fuck any comic who wants to get here at 10am, fuckem...."

Because that fourth block of forty five minutes are rough on young James Norton.

I want to see Jim's head on a stick Ed Gein style

If you come in at 10am, you're motherfucking him. Those 10am ssscUMBags.

Nice brim stupid

How fucking queer is Sam?

Looks like 3 Simpsons characters

I’ve never in my life seen an uglier creature than Sam. And what the fuck is up with that beard? Is he trying to take attention from the Ape forehead?

Who would fuck him?

he could lose his powers

"if only you knew how bad things really are"

Sam should shave off that fucking hair.

Might as well shave off his whole head.

Norton w a Metallica shirt...he's so hardcore

Not just Metallica but Metallica tour in 2013, you know when they were new and hip.

at the Apollo (in harlem)!!!

Such a great show today. Kept me entertained through my workday.

Why doesn't Norton know that there are treatments for AIDS?

The difference between Jim and Bobo gets smaller with every picture

they're bringing in homeless people again.

A retard, an AIDS victim, and a get me the fuck outta here.

He gave up and bit the fuck out of him.

That's hideous spelling; you need to go back and finish grade school, you dropout hack. Learn how to use spellcheck, those red squiggly lines aren't supposed to be there, you colorblind retard.

I used to genuinely enjoy listening to Jim & Sam. Then, at some point recently, I decided to check out the Opie Radio Podcast and I was immediately reconnected to what initially attracted me to O&A years ago. Fuck Sam and his stupid hair and incredibly awful beard (really the absolute worst looking thing ever), and fuck lil Jimmy for sucking the money cock. Here's to hoping that Gregg keeps Sherrod and Vic away from the Westwood Juan lounge.

Sam’s beard is horrific. I didn’t know you could fuck up a beard but he’s so aggressively ugly that even that can’t save him.

I keep zooming in to make sure it’s not a photoshop. What the fuck

That's the ugliest fucking faggot beard Ive ever seen on this muppet fuck. Sam should just wear a burlap sack with a hole in it at this point.

I don't listen to the show. Does anyone ever tell Sam to shave that shit off his head? The beard isn't working, faggot.

Jim looks like he was just released from a Chinese shipping container.

I love this so much, God bless that man.

Or maybe a low key rehash of Insomniac, which was undoubtedly and even still today the greatest non-skit comedy show ever to grace cable television.

Was it "low key" you high key faggot?

Naturally, he's very charitable person. when I think of Ant I think that's a man who would just as likely keep track of Amazon wishlists of a 60yr old woman as much as a teenage girl.

Amen. Between that, all of BK and the north west bx itd be great if comet fell from the sky