Real ass dude of the week

1  2018-12-18 by Pudshark


I dont know whats more sickening.. the fact that this is a news story, or the fact that this exact scenario repeats itself constantly every few 'news' cycles.

The fact that Dr. Stuart Flint is a publically funded university professor who studies how bad fat shaming is.

AND he looks like...not ...FULL ENGLISH... if you know what I mean !?

It's pretty embarrassing for the human race that the "fat is healthy" myth even took off. I just saw a Rogan clip where he had a doctor on and went over a article about how beneficial being fat is. As you would expect, being fat makes you a better lover because being fat means you last longer and your cock is bigger.

I'm all for human dignity which is why I no longer look at fat people like they are suffering from TB, in public.

Fat rights. What a country...

Daily Mail gonna Daily Mail

Obesity charity slams post and warns it could lead to depression and self harm

This is a real sentence someone wrote

My charity is HOOFF - Helping Out Our Fat Fucks

It’s the Daily Mail. They’re the pop up books of journalism.


Shouldn't the paper be held accountable for normal shaming this reasonable young man? He is going to be harassed by fatso women who are so cruel and without lives that they will contact his company and try to get him fired over this.

With a name such as yours, Im going to assume youre aware of just who the media is accountable to.

DentureChomp1447 was taken.

DentureChomp1487 was taken.


Good kid.

Being near fat people is torture.

The smell alone

If you're inconveniencing others on an airplane, you're not the victim.

If someone makes fun of you, you are not a victim. If me making fun of you hurts, let me punch you in the face so you see the difference

Was she a great big fat person?

Skin suits for the whole family from the looks of this pig.

You can use the whole animal


Why yes! Yes she was.

If he posted what he said without the picture I would completely agree with him.

No one on Earth is better at insulting people than the British.

Now I'm curious as to what a "racial slur referring to people of Pakistani origin living in Jamaica" is.


Same. I didn't even know they had any down there.

Noted and logged, will never get a chance to use.

Bobby you big fat pig

I don't like people taking pictures of other people just minding their business. Theirs plenty of Amy Schumers in the world who will post themselves for mockery, leave the other fatties to rot in shame.

Then look at the picture of the douche bag posting it. He's real ass as fuck with his embossed gold signature t-shirt and dice slot machine arm sleeve. Serial killer eyes real ass dude.

nice vos spray tan too, i don't blame him for being pissed but uploading a picture of the cow is just shite

The fat lady sucks at life and certainly knows it. The pretty boy asshole probably irritates people with his smarmy ass presence more than her in general.

Only have a problem with the guy if he uses half a bottle of Axe before he leaves the house.

Lewis Openshaw, 24, complained he had paid extra for a window seat on his flight to Tunisia

Get ready to lodge extra complaints when you realize you’re surrounded by Khumiyas

Holy shit that's her arm

"That ur bird"

"Mile high club tackle that."

Haha holeeeee shit!

That arm is the size of my waist.

One of the bullets in the article is asking someone to speak up if they know who the woman is. Oh yeah? And for what purpose? To further humiliate her you fucking hypocrites? Everyone in the comments pretending they’ve never said anything bad about fat people is the most disgusting part of this.

Ha, yeah I saw that. What an asshole.

I had a fat girl next to me on my last flight. Spilled over the arm rest, and by the end of the flight she started to reek (it was a 2 hr flight)

I couldn't even look at her when she tried to say something nice to me because I was so irritated that I had to completely take my wife's armrest so I didn't have the slob rubbing against me.

It's not bullying, it's people being irritated and disgusted that they're forced to be in close quarters with something that has no interest in their hygiene.

This is why I refuse to fly unless I can afford a first class seat where I sit next to no one.

So you save up until you can purchase 2 first class tickets?

I really only buy one. I never fly alone, I generally go with someone so I'll buy both tickets and have them pay me back for one. Makes traveling much nicer since I never have to sit next to some stranger.

long wait on a Panera Salary...

The most depressing part of that story was being on a flight from Manchester to Tunisia,

damn.. this is why you should never put shit like this on your personal social media.. this dude is probably going to lose his job over this

"Obesity charity says fat shaming could lead to depression and self harm."

So does obesity.

My charity is HOOFF - Helping Out Our Fat Fucks

It’s the Daily Mail. They’re the pop up books of journalism.