Jim is talking about a vacation he had that he cancelled after one night instead of 9...in Vancover.

1  2018-12-18 by Dennyislife

Reminder Prince Alan couldn't enter the USA. The vacation ended in disaster abruptly


Or he caught a whiff of pot smoke

His Uber smelled liked cigarettes

That scent is intoxicating.

If you get your nose in deep enough you can smell last nights veal schnitzel

I wonder how it went wrong so quick?

He found out that his “lover” had over 500 other clients.

Your flair, lol. I see what you did there.

Thor beat Jim's ass for being a fag.

Poor little mug. Will he ever find true love in sex chatrooms?

what is the story behind the travel ban? how does a 20 yr old webcam tranny from iceland get on the same list as the colombian drug cartel or ISIS?

HIV positive.

smuggling that weapon of ass destruction in his undies

Not Icelandic, russian hiv+ sex workers have almost a complete global travel ban and right now someone with a flu can't fly, let alone sex workers who may or may not have had multiple cases of super-syphilis/gonorrhea, let alone the hiv

How do you know she has HIV?

Because "her" visual appearance is AIDS personified and because Jim's mentally ill brain has reached the point where he can only cum if he's taking a raw POZ load in his ass.

Sold me

game of numbers.

"...UNAIDS calculates that between 2010 and 2015, Russia accounted for more than 80% of the new HIV infections...By Russia’s own estimates, the epidemic grew 10% per year..."

Russia HATES gay/trans men, they get gulag for placing or answering gay ads so they all leave to the richest surrounding countries to find work and pass themselves off as nordic.

I used to be into Polish/Ukrainian/German whoring and teh recent flood of Russians with AIDS ruined teh legal straight hooker market with clients who fucked both.

plus Norton is allegedly a verified bug-chasing cumguzzler known to take raw loads.

Holy shit wear a bag you idiots.

20 somethings that travel with limited funds and no hotel booked get flagged by immigration for being possible sex workers. I think the biggest issue is that they don't apply for work visas, not necessarily that they're prostitutes. The government really doesn't like the idea of this people getting 10k under the table, no taxes, and then bouncing back to their home countries.

What’s strange about this case is that Canada is often stricter than the US on entry requirements. They don’t let people with DUI convictions enter the country. So what did Allen do to get welcomed by Canada and banned from the US?

Why would anyone vacation in a Van cover?

It used to be beautiful and white like Europe.

Big City Canada is one of the stripper and hooker meccas of the world. He only left because King Alan stood his prince up.

Where did you get the name Big City Canada? No one calls Vancouver that.

Its packed full of queers there. Thats why he went. Travolta has a multi level loft apt looking directly over the fag beach.

Hoorah hoorah hoorah, we got a man on the inside.

The fag beach is nowhere near any residential neighbourhood you liar.

Clearly its an area much more familiar to you then.

Anyone who lives here knows Wreck Beach is obviously not near anything residential. How could it be?

I dont live there and am not a faggot.

I agree you definitely don't live here. Where you calling in from?

Back off ya little filth blooded viral zombie chickenhawk. Midnight rider all right.

Oh jeez, no need to overreact so dramatically. What lil Podunk town are you hailing from?

We keep it nice and clean by keeping your kind out ya feral degenerate. Shit pushing diapier sniper.

Sounds to me that you're embarrassed to name where you live.

Im embarassed for you and your misguided civic pride. Boasting of your extensive knowledge of where the diseased lurk in that pitiable cellpool of a city. Of course im not going to tell you where I live, you AIDS stricken vampire with an Opie-level of self awareness. If you had any true pride in yourself, you would be deeply, deeply ashamed by this exchange.

Haha, no need to be so ashamed of Tulsa or whatever shithole you live in! I can tell it's somewhere awful by how jealous you are that someone could like where they live 😁

Jim would love Davie Street.

But it wouldn't love him. Our fags are tall and fit and enjoy good food and wine, all things Jim knows nothing about.

You seem to know them well

Of course.

Yes me telling you I know them well does indicate that. A keen observation.

Thanks, faggot.

didnt prince allen cuck him? He was posting pics of himself with other older paypig dudes

For those that don't know, Vancouver is the San Francisco of Canada. It's also the China/India of Canada.

Jim even sucks at sex tourism.

9 days in Vancouver taking Viking loads and eating salads.

His whole pathetic existence is funnier than his act.

I wonder what skeleton in the closet kept Princess Thor out of Canada? Well besides being a mentally unfit man that surgically mutilated his body so closeted gays could throw digital tokens at him via Chaturbate.

Prince Alan was allowed in Canada but not the US.

I suspect its something as dull as overstaying on a visa or 'working' as a escort when on a tourist visa.

No it was AIDS

Canada Customs and Immigration at that 1987 Airport of theirs - the most passive-aggressive fucks on the planet (though, the UK might top them).

Anyways, Russian sex worker is probably why. There were way way too many problems with that including the problem of Russians being the 'niggers-of-white-people' and happy to murder anyone like the backward 3rd world brutes they are.

Right anyways, yes almost certainly stopping a prostitute. Vancover, much like Vancouver is already full of mentally ill and spiritually sick marijuana-stupefied men who will do depraved shit to dangerous fuckers on vacation and leave some AIDS in their guts.

but of course he decided he was in a relationship and in love so he had to go back home. He surely congratulated himself on his monogamy.

Sir you seem confused. The relationship he was in was with Transsexual cam whore Prince Alan. The man he went to Vancover to be with in the past. The man who he said is banned from the US. The man who he was photographed with in Vancover by a fan. The man who Jimmy split up with suddenly after talking about marriage with him and was never brought up again. Until this little snippet.

Yes, I was talking about Prince Alan.

My guess was that he wasn't allowed to enter Canada.

He met Alan 5000 km east of Vancouver stupid. In Montreal.

whatever. Canada is a meh country.

I think Albanians or Romanians are more the nigs than Russkies, although I do enjoy calling them “Snow Niggers” and acknowledge that the #1 occupation for their women is either as an outright whore or some sort of occupation that allows for opportunistic side whoring like waitressing and bartending.

I think Jimmy just wasn't PREPared for this vacation!

Jim should give serious thought to killing himself. Falling in love with a transvestite camwhore is about as low as you can go. Do it before Christmas so his family can finally be rid of that burden.

Jimmy visits the great white north to get big white cock.

How do you know she has HIV?

What’s strange about this case is that Canada is often stricter than the US on entry requirements. They don’t let people with DUI convictions enter the country. So what did Allen do to get welcomed by Canada and banned from the US?