We almost had him.

1  2018-12-18 by the_opester


Were his last words really going to be "just remember I told you so?"

Trailer park boys anyone?


Life must be so hard when the entire media and an army of celebrities drop what they're doing because you're sad.

I mean, he does have butthole eyes. That's gotta make life pretty difficult.

We'll get him.

He had a lovely young twat that was bursting with dollars and he acted like a soyboy until she took it away from him. He got exactly what he deserved.

don't forget Larry David's daughter.

Everyone else has.

Or whatever

We tried to help him and give him advice; but he wouldn't listen.

Ron took a shot at him and mocked him not going on SNL besides a quick appearance. He said something along the lines of, "It seems Pete isn't concerned with comedy anymore, he's too busy being a celebrity..."

After this embarrassment, he really should just kill himself

"The boy, with butthole eyessssssssss."

Act III, sc. 6:  

Homeo slays Tybalt, deletes social media.

This guy needs to share a hot shot with Artie.