Actually, I'd love to go out to dinner with you, talk about stuff and maybe kiss you ;-)

1  2018-12-17 by crookedmile


That's not Ant though it's his next door neighbour.

Yet ironically Richard’s Spencer’s protege a decade ago, at least according to Spencer.

I just meant Ant lives in a very Jewish neighbourhood but that's not true bro. Lying press was trying to make a thing out of the fact that they attended Duke at the same time but by all accounts they were barely acquainted with each other. If Spencer said that it was probably to troll the press.

Yeah, I know, they did work together on one project and Spencer claims that mentorship, but I don’t even care, whatevs. Miller is Miller.

A friend of mine was a classmate of Spencer’s in college (his first freshman year before he transferred to Duke, and yes he is a fag, or at least severely confused) but anyone can graft any sort of nefarious bullshit onto that, but I agree it’s worthless and Spencer is clamoring for a “tee-hee whoopsie” insinuation like the drama queen he is.

Fuckin CGI hair patch

Fuck this piece of shit faggot asslicker

It's like a fur yarmulke.

Who is this faggot?