Seasons Greetings from the Big Apple Ranch. #StayClassyOASubreddit

1  2018-12-17 by SpudsCuckley


I'm looking for vos in the background.

Thats his portrait on the wall

Yeah that's why I'm studying the background too for Vos. Still can't find him better go look again.

You cropped out the juicy stuff there fella.

Gotta stay classy.

What do I call you if you're an actual fag?

You can call me what you want, just don’t call me late for dinner

Can I call you an aids pathogen?

How long can you drag this out for, stupid?


A young Jimmy Kimmel right side of the image

Who's the fag with the jacket on in the back? Some people man..

Is that what a gay club is like? Gym rats blowing each other?

What did you think, that those guys religiously working out in front of a mirror in the gym liked girls?

Nah I know they're narcissistic faggots but I honestly don't know what a gay club is like. I guess it would be like an orgy

I'll give those fags this they kept out all the darkies

Certainly a lot of blow jobs going on in that pic.