
1  2018-12-17 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


I decided to look up exactly how David Duke is Dr. David Duke, and as I suspected, it is some bullshit:


2005 doctorate

In September 2005, Duke received a non-accredited "PhD in history"[106] from the Ukrainian private university Interregional Academy of Personnel Management (MAUP), an institution that has been described by the Anti-Defamation League as a "University of Hate."[107]Duke's doctoral thesis was titled "Zionism as a Form of Ethnic Supremacism."[106] However, the PhD program of MAUP was not accredited by the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine and is not accredited by that state body's successor, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,[108] so the PhD diplomas issued by MAUP are not recognized by the Ukrainian state as real academic degrees.[40][109]

The Anti-Defamation League claims that MAUP is the main source of antisemitic activity and publishing in Ukraine,[110] and its "anti-Semitic actions" were "strongly condemned" by Foreign Minister Borys Tarasyuk and various organizations.[111][112][113][114]

Duke has taught a course on international relations and a history course at MAUP.[115] On his website, Duke now refers to himself as "Dr. David Duke" and "Dr. Duke."

I'd buy a diploma from the University of Hate just for the story, brotherman. For the story.

Anything that the ADL hates is fine by me. Thwy made a cartoon frog literally Hitler omg ;)

Also Zionism is a form of ethnic supremacy. Israel is currently running the world largest concentration camp, the Ghaza strip. Experimenting on how best to deal with their fellow semite neighbours.

Duke is a weird-looking motherfucker

yeah bald with a goatee and ear rings like he wipes up mr. clean's jizz

He's a plastic surgery addict

Two thoroughly heterosexual looking men right there I tell ya.

It would be a shame if someone were to email every karaoke bar on the east coast and tell them that joe cumia personally associated with David duke

David Dukes and is more fake and stupid looking than Ants