A heartfelt message for Joe Cumia

1  2018-12-17 by SpudPeelinJoe

Hi Joe ๐Ÿ™‚

I know you're here everyday so I just wanted to say a sincere thank you to you on behalf of everybody here. Since the man who pays your way in life is now truly lost in obscurity, you have been doing an excellent job of keeping this place fueled with fresh content.

Never have I witnessed somebody with your unique capacity to continually embarrass yourself publicly for the entertainment of others. It's truly staggering.

Never change, you absolute fucking dolt.

Merry Christmas


You spelled kwanzaa incorrectly... i may have too

It takes a special kind of person to continue to stay in the public eye through sheer embarrassment without actually having a shred of revelancy. Thanks Joe

I wonder if this pussy unblocked me? For some reason Compound Media unblocked me from twitter. Maybe Keith realized hate is the only attention they're getting nowadays?

Self-awareness? Nah. Probably made forgot what he was doing.

How do you block somebody on reddit?


I totally agree. Joe is a treasure. Never before has someone so brilliantly dull been so amazingly fascinating.

You are pure cringe. Enough with these delusional faggot open letters to people "from the show," they aren't reading them, and you're showing what kind of mentally ill faggot Stan you really are.

Congrats. This sub has once again shown itself to be pure class.


Way to prove it wrong you dunderhead retard

Prove what wrong faggot? And I instantly replied two hours after it was posted? Christ you're fucking stupid ๐Ÿ˜‚

Did you see the picture of the dead Roe with Opies dick in her hands?

yeah, why? all that shit is stupid.

It made you hard, didn't it

You raped a boy at the Apple Ranch in 2003

They have admitted they read all of this.

No faggot sometimes they read things in the past but they aren't obsessed with every post here and don't read every single post here.

How dumb are you? They 100% read this place. I know that for a fact. A fact. Use your head, stupid. Figure it out.

They have read it in the past on occasion but they aren't mentally ill faggots obsessed with every post like the people here.

Happy Holidays*

Should end it with "happy holidays" that sends his type into a rage spiral.

Happy Kwanzaa

The fact that he is a secret fag amuses me the most. It sort of explains a lot of the rest. Like the sons of anarchy obsession.

I can imagine that faggot reading this message with his dumb glasses on his nose. Nice just for men goatee stupid

I had to have a good chuckle at the first thing i saw when coming to /ona right now was "A heartfelt message for Joe Cumia" because i knew it would be anything but hahahaha

Merry Christmas niggas

Tell Anth we said hello

tbh Joe should do like a nightly talk show with subreddit losers so they can both feed each other lol

Youโ€™re welc.....

Damn it. I just doxxed myself. How do I delete this comment before posting it? Do I click on this? Or how.... about.... this....

Im convinced Joe loves this place. Imagine it, you're a loser that doesn't want to work and is jealous of his younger brothers career. The fact that there is a place on the internet talking about him (even though its negative), is the best this potato peeler will ever amount to. I bet he even told Ant to calm down a bit after he put the hit out on this place.

anthony just did a podcast 2 weeks ago that got 1.5 million views not really obscure