Best of 2018: Ron Perlman's Political Views

1  2018-12-17 by crookedmile


never shake Ron Perlman's hand

cheeky boy

A hidden god

One Of my favorite “Joe Cumia is the dumbest loser on earth” facts is that he is obsessed with Ron Perlman because he was an actor on the show he cosplays as, and seems to believe that he’s locked into a mutual 2 way beef with the man

That's like when I found out Charlize Theron wasn't actually a white trash prostitute that murdered men. She really mother fucked me.

I love that fuckin movie.

Curiously, she's actually African.

Her mother lew her father's head off after he eat her ass for sass and so forth.

Charlize deli erately lost her accent in her late teens due to the o vious understanding that it was lol funny and that no ody in the west would take her seriously.

She was also only 21yo in 2 Days In The Valley and had a full ush in The Devil's Advocate.

She's also super cute in Mad Max with a shaved head.

Have a good one.


you're trying to hard fella. you can be yourself here, you don't have to create a character for attention.

Smilie faces are for faggots without alcoholism and mother issues

Knickers > Chip

After he eat her ass?

She murders the manhood of her adopted pet in real life though.

The best part of that, and the most telling of his personality, is the fact that Joe wore Sons of Anarchy clothes before he even saw the show because they had skulls on them.

Whats really weird is Sons of Anarchy is a completely leftist show, why does Joe enjoy it? I have seen the entire show and every other episode is about being anti racist or pro tranny. They even made the main character jax, jewish. Have you ever met any anti-racist, pro-tranny, jewish, outlaw bikers? haha

Ron sacrificed himself and his lineage through miscegenation for the greater good of his people. Sure his individual line is permanently corrupted, but his co-ethnics who guard their ethnic purity with Nazi-like zeal can point to him when goys question why they are so ethnocentric.

Jews like Ron are mini-Jesus figures for their people, sacrificing their reproductive integrity to atone for the sins of his people. Respect.

It's sad that I've been here long enough that I can read the text in a post and know who posted it before I look at the user name.

sometimes im about to reply to people then i see the name and go back to drinking

Oh Enzo. You lovable scamp.

Huh, this sub really brings out the crazies, doesn't it?

Stop writing like you're sensibly addressing some after hours office party group, dork.

Now you're just being mean.

I think he just likes dark meat bruh

That was a good motherfuck

mother mother fuck. mother mother fuck fuck


Beige is a fucking legend. Making bangers on both YT and Twitter on the regular

a fucking legend

Making bangers

on the regular


He likes bangers in the mouth

bangers and mash or sumthin. Crips watching hawkeye and shiznit.

Talk like a white man!

Whte mn are cancelled sweetie.

Preach it

You want to talk like a mulignan we'll send you to slip and fall school.

I can just see Joe sitting at his computer with tear welling up, whispering "not you too, Ron" as he sees the offending tweets for the first time.

Beige rocks. Unlike that limey. I forgot his name already.

Porsalín pretentious fag..

What a posh fag he was.

The best thing about this is, at this point Joe had tweeted to Ron approximately 80 times. Ron didn't recognise that name for an instant

Beige is so much better than that tea and crumpet eating cocksucker porsalin.

Thoughts and prayers, thoughts and prayers.

Joe is too insignificant for Perlman to think of him for even a second. Right on, Hellboy.

He likes bangers in the mouth