Milo returns to obscurity island, Gavin can't be far behind.

1  2018-12-17 by Ant_Sucks


Being reminded of Milo is like watching television shows in 14:9

It always comes back to those numbers.


Geno just said on In Hot Water, that Keith was sending 8 year old girly texts because he didn’t get a invite to the steak dinner for the the producers.... what a faggot

Ant is starting to get tired of the leeches now that he realizes Compound was a failure. Brother Joe better get his affairs in order.

Is it producers only, or was Ant going too?

Production only as they’re getting Ant and Keith actual gifts

Then fuck him. Trying to worm his way in. Producers should meet regularly anyway without upper management. It's good for everyone.

If Geno and Aaron took IHW and made it its own thing outside of Chomo Media, I'd pay 20 a month for a subscription. That's like a fifth of what Keith pays them a week, and infinity dollars more than I'm willing to give AntH.

why in the world would you do a thing like that

Because we all enjoy Keith continually losing talent from Anthony's failing network.

And I'm being generous with "talent" and "network"

Hopefully they leave the network and sign with Gas digital Media

That bitch is like 2-3 million in debt. Beggars can't be choosers.

Wow, how dead is Milo's career that he is relegated to Anthony's little podcast hobby?

So that big lavish gay wedding he was bragging about was paid for with company money? What a crook.

I have no idea what you are talking about. I just know that Compound Media is where dead careers go to die even more deader.

Yeah who knew kike faggots are not the most honest of people. I do admire him for his trolling abilities back in the day. He might have triggered thousands of sjw-lite and tumblerinas into emotional seizures with his antics.

$4 million in debt dead, apparently.

See them on the way up...and the way down.

Well Alex Jones is relegated to doing his show on Instagram.

That's both sad and great.

You can get your booty model/Alex Jones fix in the same app.

Jesus fuck for real?

Anthony can talk about grooming children and Milo can talk about being groomed as a child.

When Milo was on Rogan he talked about Hollywood parties he went to where there were children, so they may have even more in common than you think.

The circle of Feeding Nana.

Two old queens who used to have big fanbases that fucked it up because they couldn't keep their mouths shut. Nana and Milo really are two peas in a pod.

Queers who make bad decisions.

Two predatory old crones flappin' their battered ass cheeks into the abyss.

This would have been a big get in 2016. Thankfully, this is definitely going to drive Milo to suicide.

The castaways start reaching the coastlines os Green Screen Island.

I wonder if they'll talk about liberals,feminists and milos love of black cock

Bleached cum rag.

Milo really has gone into obscurity. No one mentions him in any context anymore.

This nigga really is finished, huh?

I know we all hate Ant, but you gotta admit, he's got:

1) the studio

2) the website

3) some decent shows

Look at Adam Carolla for instance. He's hardly the greatest broadcaster, but he's managed to avoid the fate of Gavin McInnes / Sargon of Akkad / Milo Yiannopolis because he owns his shit.

I wouldn't be surprised to see Milo and Gavin working for Ant soon.

This is probably seen as a real 'get' for Conpound Media.

Two paedophile queers babbling on about liberals.

What the fuck is this trend of reversing your name as a twitter handle? Notice how it's always the most boring and irrelevant people too.

So that big lavish gay wedding he was bragging about was paid for with company money? What a crook.

$4 million in debt dead, apparently.