Troy is breaking up with his girlfriend but is spending christmas away with her in Belize

1  2018-12-17 by Dennyislife

What a great cover story. I admire this ladykiller.


Why do you still listen?

I literally have nothing to do all day until i next go away for a few months. Lots of hours to kill. With audio i can do other shit so i'm kinda keeping a eye on the business via e-mail etc

Have you tried out the Real Ass Podcast or High Society Radio?

Why would you just assume he's a homosexual like that?

He posts here.

Ok ok, how about CumTown then?

No. I don't really wanna listen to anything new ( already have a few other podcasts). There is a kind of comfort in knowing what crap you are going to hear.

It's like drowning. You just accept your fate. So cold your warm. And drift away to certain death.

I couldn't agree more with this.

I get it. I'll put the show on in the morning while I'm getting ready for the day, driving, doing menial shit, etc.

But without fail, even with nothing distracting me, I find myself 30 minutes later having no idea what they just talked about because it's such inane babble that I know I've missed absolutely nothing.

I could never listen first thing. Even the funniest o&a classic moment I don't think I could listen to at 7am.

RIP, little lady.

Belize: Land of Cliffs and Gorges

And underwater cliffs.. same MO, new setting. #RespectTheHustle

Troy likes to mix things up.

He's doing a co-headlining gig with Joran Van Der Sloot.

Allegedly his band has a song in the newest Spider-Man movie.

Yep. And McDonald's advert.

Troy is going to end up as the richest and most successful character from this whole shit show.

More than the Opsterino?

Lmao whatever.

Yet another one of Norton's colleagues to outdo him.

You know what. Good for him. Yes, he's a douche but fair play to him.

Fuck him and his money hows that

Another one to throw off a cliff. Just great.

Criminals like this always get arrogant.

She's taking a trip to Belize like Mike from Breaking Bad.

Troy likes to mix things up.

More than the Opsterino?

Lmao whatever.

Yet another one of Norton's colleagues to outdo him.