An Early Proponent of What Would Become Known as “The Norton Method” of Prop Comedy.

1  2018-12-17 by F_H_Rileys_MaitreD


Or what is widely known in the business as a Norton stealing victim

To think Norton actually used to question this guy’s integrity. Don’t get me wrong, he’s done some shit movies and all, but the Let’s Get Small album was funnier and more original than any special or podcast that faggot worm has ever put out.

“Grandpa bought a rubber! Grandma made him use it!”

It’s burned into my skull. I thought that was the funniest thing when I was 6.

Didnt he call out Norton for bashing him when the worm tried to get a picture with him?

I think norton was trying to interview him? But he did call him out. I recall jim not taking it well but could be wrong

Yes when Jim was doing a bit for Leno. He went up to him to interview him at some award show. Jim asked him if Steve won an award for his banjo album if he would hold up Jim’s CD on stage. Steve looked at the CD and said to Jimmy that he wrote some really nasty things about him in one of his books (which he did). Jimmy backpedaled and kept telling him that he was a huge fan etc.


And just like Anthony, he was born a poor black child.

Can’t wait for Jim’s autobiography Born Sitting Down (on the toilet because I can’t go 10 minutes without shitting).