My beard is like my mouth & asshole. It’s Just For Men.

1  2018-12-17 by SpudsCuckley


he's kinda sexy

He’s very popular down at the ranch.

For a helpless fuckboi

Anton LaGettingbuttfuckedbyasimilarlookingman

Damn, before the dementia he was kinda fuckable

fucking lol

How old is this faggot? It’s too late in life for him to be taking selfies like this

He's 60 years old. Let thank sink in

He actually doesn't look terrible for a 60 year old......annoyingly.

Black don't crack and all that.

Neither do photo filters faggot

I've been a fool.

Once black cracks tho.... there aint no coming back. Black cracks hard.

Anthony started cracking in his 30s.

In the 30s?

His and Joe's combined IQ..? Yes.

Cocaine nose.

Fuckin gay Romulan.

Flavor Saver

He does look like a leather daddy in this picture.

Barbary pirate

Gayest shit I've ever seen.