Separated at birth

1  2018-12-17 by SpudsCuckley


"Dead is better...than obscurity"

Jimby’s act has gone sour

I've seen gay men who are more feminine looking than that methy viking

That fella sure does have a cock on him though. Someone to look up to.

Someone to look up to

Nice work

That dude would kick the worms ass.

One day, late with the tokens, old Magnus Samuelson has had a little Viking mead, the worm tries some tough talk and then Jimmy gets the Viking in his original form and gets beat down.

Jimmy would have to go to work in sunglasses with a pretty scarf around his head to hide the ass kicking.

If you took your average 20-something guy and put light makeup on him with a wig, he'd look more feminine than the viking tranny.


sHE couldn't even stand Norton long enough to milk bolt-on tit money out of him.

Please Jimmy, just come out of the closet already

That would be step 1 to rehabilitating himself in our eyes.

That picture looks like the last thing you see when it crawls through your window to attack you and you wound it.

She has man hands. Seinfeld reference.

Makes sense. The actor who played Zelda was also a man.

Everyone from my generation was traumatized by those goddamn scenes from that movie. I rewatched them on yt recently, and they still hold up. Hopefully whatever little the forthcoming remake does right involves her, and today’s kids will be forever haunted too.

It's gonna be garbage. The low budget muck is what made the original so extra creepy.

Nick Fowles lookin ho

Klaus Kinski looking ass nigga.




I watched this on video in about 1990 when I was 12 or so. I had to watch it in segments because it was scary. Watch 20 minutes, stop, turn on the lights and chill out, watch 20 more minutes and so on.

I did learn one thing though, You have to bury your own...

She talked to someone she wasn't apost to.