Rogan is a fucking queer nerd. Listen to him describe his comedy technique here. Even Peterson calls him a monster and is disgusted.

1  2018-12-17 by TonyFromLongIsland


You better believe in Jungian archetypes, bucko. Cause man I've studied Stalin and Hitler and those guys just didn't get it. And it's frightening. Let me tell you if Stalin and Hitler had been alive today they'd be transsexuals and that's a SERIOUS thing. Oh boy you better believe it.

It's like, that's damn true man.

Patrice explodes in laughter You can't fucking do that with Jordan, man. You can't just sum him up like that.....but that's what he fuckin' DOES!!!!


I'd just like to say that you've somehow expressed his laugh in text and that's pretty cool.

Idc how faggy it sounds, that dude had one of my favorite laughs ever.

Wasn't even fucking around either somehow you've captured that sound with text and it's pretty cool.

Thanks bud, I'm glad you liked it!

Peterson is such a lukewarm dork. It's really pathetic that people get bent out of shape over this wormy pantywaist. I don't know who's more annoying: the leftist crybaby idiots who get riled up about him or the people that think he's some kind of genius for mixing rehashed Jung psychobabble with asinine "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" boomer advice.

He lives off steak, salt and water. Before that his go-to food were peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and chocolate milk. Hard to take him seriously when he has a worse diet than Sam.

asinine "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" boomer advice.

The idea that you should work to improve your own life is truly disgusting

It's trite advice that doesn't merit the level of awe that simpletons give this cornball canuck. People treat him like he's some kind of visionary, when he's just another media-created snake oil salesman who's as much a part of the system as the people he pretends to be fighting against.

He's not though. By all measures, he's an actual liberal and the libs/Dems in the US and Canada think he is, "literally Hitler!" That should be terrifying in that they are alienating some of what should be, their biggest supporters. He is dead on balls accurate about the danger of compelled speech. It would be pretty fucking funny if those dopes were actually joking, but they have traded religion for their ideology.

In any event, all self-help books are based on common sense and obvious principles. Shit, athletic trainers and nutritionists are multi-billion dollar industries. They basically all preach fucking common sense lifestyle and fitness principles. In short,some people know the answer into how to improve themselves, but choose to pay good money for people that will tell them the obvious. Burn more calories than you consume and get off the couch and exercise 7 or 8 hours a week.

It's even worse than him being a mere liberal. He helped contribute to a UN report called "Resilient People Resilient Planet: A Future Worth Choosing," which is filled with all kinds of full on globalist one-world government sentiment under the guise of "sustainable development."

He's listed as an advisor on the report, alongside other great minds like Jacob "Kill the white farmers and take their land" Zuma of South Africa.

Who gives a shit if this guy takes obvious stances like not calling trannies "she" when this is the kind of crap he's on board with.

Joe: "But, hold up a second, because I want to play devils advocate here."

I'd just like to say that you've somehow expressed his laugh in text and that's pretty cool.