When Will NYPD Investigate the Whereabouts of Joseph Cumia on the Night Jam Master Jay was Murdered?

1  2018-12-16 by F_H_Rileys_MaitreD

I say this because not only is Joe a mere 30 minute drive from the crime scene, but because statistics indicate that it is perhaps 5000 times more likely that Jam Master Jay was not slain by a White police officer, but rather another Black man.


Keith made sure all of the incriminating evidence was destroyed and contaminated the crime scene with cannoli cream and clam juice.

This Black on Black crime has got to stop. They’re headed for self destruction. Crabs im a barrel. One nigger tours the world with original compositions while the other nigger stays on Long Island playing to a crowds of 6 on Twofer Tuesdays. Niggers be hatin’. That’s all I’m saying. I’m no snitch.

This Black on Black crime has got to stop. They’re headed for self destruction. Crabs in a barrel: One nigger tours the world playing packed stadiums with his original compositions while the other nigger stays on Long Island playing other people’s songs to six people in a dive bar on on Twofer Tuesdays. Niggers be hatin’. That’s all I’m saying. I’m no snitch.