Will he do it before or after Christmas?

1  2018-12-16 by DumbleMeHarry


During. He'll unwrap a present from himself which will be a shotgun, fish some shells out of his stocking and do it under the mistletoe.

If he kills himself it's going to be on accident with drugs.

This is a friendly reminder that it's "by accident" and not "on accident".

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Nigger bot

The bot only exists because of people like you

We are not posting here because we are fucking Rhodes Scholars, give the stupid fucking faggot a break you shit eating cum swizzler.

I actually am a Rhodes scholar and "on accident" accomplishes what I tried to do which is convey the point I was making by using words. I hope the virgin who made that fucking bot has to watch the love of his life get deep dicked and then goes home to kill himself.

Use more bad words so I know you mean business

There are no bad words.

bad bot

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Bad bot

so glad bots are here to correct my doctoral thesis comments


This is why mental health awareness is so important.

I doubt he will ever seriously attempt it.

All I want for Christmas is Ariana Grande burying her second boyfriend in a year.

she's got the pussy of death

If Mac Miller isn't in your top 10 you're a racist.

All jokes aside, but anyone who tats up their face should kill themselves.

Mac didn't have face tattoos? Also he was talented as fuck and could actually rhyme well.

Nobody cares about that here, so shut the fuck up

No, you.

Give me a soft kiss on the cheek and cup my balls and I'll think about it


Yeah well he is fucking worm food now, which makes us all better than him.

could actually rhyme well.

Oh man, let's give him a MacArthur Genius Grant.

You old fucks don't like anything. The Rolling Stones are gay.

Thank you Mrs. Miller, we get it. He was a good boy.

Dindu nuffin was getting off drugs and going to rehab.


Bump High Life, Faces, and WMWTSO then tell me he ain't the shit.

That albino nigga Snow was better.

"Informer, ya' no say daddy me Snow me I go blame A licky boom boom down."

He isnt even human because yes, i am.

I hope they’re mkultra-ing this shithead as much as possible. For his sake. Because if he’s this fucked on his own, suicides the way to go... also I vote for after. So it could be live on an awful New Year’s Eve show

I wont make a terribly unfunny joke about a young man killing himself , but I do hope that he doesn't die in a fire or sumpthin.

Never. He isn't mentally ill, he's just a whiny bitch.

Like 90% of people like him. We need a world war.

Why? They’d be the ones to survive as they’d run and hide once they thought they might have to fight.

This faggot is just like Danny, needs to go to rehab and grow up but he's going to say he's BiPolar and keep smoking weed and drinking like an asshole.

This faggot is the son of Jane Lynch and Mr. Robot.

He'll be broken down into raw matter with the rest of the false flags

I suspect him to be a MKUltra-style mind-control victim.

If you believe that the power elites are into and communicate through symbolism, than you might recognize that such a signal lies in people dying their hair bleach-blonde.

These are generally celebrities that are controlled through a handler to fulfill specific roles in public as well as private (oftentimes sex slavery), with the hair style being the indicator for those in the know.

The cabal communicates out in the open and they don't care if they're found out. Most people are likewise programmed (f.e. through TV culture etc.) to not respond to accusations against them.

Therefore i don't see him commit suicide as long as he serves a purpose for the cabal. As a young, mixed-race, pseudo-destructive tween, he is quite valuable, especially after being tied to Ariana Grande in this manner.

Someone is keeping their head on a swivel.

Maybe that's why Erock bleached his hair

Your theories intrigues me. I would like to sign up for your newsletter.

I think he'll discover the true meaning of Christmas and come out of this with a new perspective!

Somebody on here mentioned it earlier, but as funny as it would be for him to be found dead with a hard on in a hotel closet, he'd be considered some kind of hero like fellow wigger faggot mac miller. If he lived, he'd eventually get on everybody nerves and some vengeful twitter queer would dig up some offensive tweets and he'd just disappear. I think I'd prefer the latter

How about a compromise: he mans up and throws a big party after which he walks whistling to his car, when sudddenly - or whatever.

Mac Miller actually deserved fans and had some sort of talent unlike ol Victim McSympathy

Milo? Hope so.

And he's supposedly considered attractive?

I did a quick survey: it's a unanimous nope.

He'll just keep teasing it. That'll be his gimmick

you need to use the correct pronoun "xe"

Look at this pathetic little like trying to make himself look all aryan.

He's going to sleep in on christmas and have the ghosts of pussy past come to him before his sui'

There are no bad words.