Pete Davidson should follow in the footsteps of greatness

1  2018-12-16 by crookedmile


Rocket had a lot more to live for too, like the fact that people didn’t vomit when they saw his face.

This guy didn't pussyfoot around, he went all out.

I have a theory that Jim Carrey, while not deliberately, was a huge factor in Rocket's decision to commit suicide and Carrey could very likely be aware of this.

Why, because Carrey became more famous?

That and Carrey may have lorded that over him since it was Rocket who edged Carrey out of that SNL slot. Carrey is known to hold grudges (he's told that story about Tommy Lee Jones hating him so many times in interviews. He can't let that go).

For instance, it could have been Carrey who insisted Rocket join the cast of Dumb & Dumber which was Carrey's first multi-million dollar payday.

Yeeeeears ago, Entertainment Weekly had an annual issue called The Power List that ranked the top 100 Hollywood hitters and one year when Carrey made it there was a little bit of trivia that he was obsessed with the number 23, said something ponderous like "he sees its wonder and coincidence in everything". This was years before that head-scratcher of a movie and the item didn't discuss any sort of movie project about the 23 concept. Carrey was really obsessed with that number.

I dismissed it when it first came out in '07, but now in hindsight its a fascinating morbid vanity project since that ex-girlfriend of Carrey's killed herself. In the movie, Carrey's character witnesses four people commit suicide.

One of whom is a character played by Bud Cort who slashes his own throat. Rocket killed himself in '05, iirc.

Thats enough time for Carrey to float a script note since that whole movie was a passion project for him.

Robin Williams and Jim Carey we're the 1 and 2 spot for box office comedians in the 90s - I guess Jim got tired of the competition...


I didn't understand much of your response after the second paragraph (Jim Carey made a movie about liking the number 23 because he likes the number and it drives him to killing people?) but I do agree.

I didn't understand his explanation at all.

That doesn't mean we can't agree.

There's definitely a pattern there. First Rocket, then Richard Jeni (starred with Carrey in The Mask), then Carrey's ex-girlfriend.

Peep my reply under the other response in this comment thread. Jim Carrey is a real rabbithole.

This guy went down the memory hole. Who??

He said fuck live onair and was subsequently fired by SNL. He was one of the second generation cast.

Rocket was found dead in a field on his Connecticut property on October 7, 2005, with his throat slit. Ten days later, the state medical examiner ruled the death a suicide. The police investigation determined that there was no criminal aspect to the case

Patton strikes again!

If Apolo Ohno gay married this dude and took his name he’d be Apolo Rocket. I’d like that.

He said fuck live onair and was subsequently fired by SNL. He was one of the second generation cast.