Fucking GAY

1  2018-12-15 by unclepaul84


Barstool blows now. Portnoy sold out like the Shylock he is.

He's Jewish, right?

Big time

Of course he’s a fucking Jew


Nice anti-semitism in a thread that was trying to be about anti-gayness, stupids

Whats the difference between a Jew and a Canoe?

A canoe tips

A faulty, dangerous, lopsided canoe.

Nah, it was a metaphor for how kikes are slimy, emotionally numb, satanic rodent people who would kill their own mothers for a sheckel, and who are intentionally engaging in the destruction of the societal moral standards of wherever they invade.

Turn that barstool upside down, you've got a lot of happy bois.

Barstool is highly enjoyable. Not all of it, but a lot of it.

Exactly what I thought when I saw that gay sticker on a car.