REMINDER: Jim Norton flew all the way to Norway to get fucked in the ass by a mentally ill male prostitute, but doesn’t have time to visit his own mother on Christmas.

1  2018-12-15 by TranthonyRapesKids

Bonus: He actually tried to propose to said prostitute, then after getting rejected, he went on several shows and podcasts to complain about how much of a whore this guy was for “motherfucking” him by not wanting to get married.


It's a tough one man

He's a bad son!

and comic

Not only does he not visit his mother on Christmas, he doesn't visit her ever.

Has he talked about that recently?

He can't wait for her to die so it's not even a topic of conversation any more. Seeing her age makes him feel mortal and grody

He should just feel ashamed

He also took every inch of this inside of him:

And he was fucked so merrily, that he brought her/him to a Bobby Fischer museum to celebrate their pending nuptials.

I gotta give this to Ant; at least Sue only has a pecker. Thor’s got a legit monster cock.

That tore Jim's throat up so badly he couldn't talk for a week after.

That's a monster cock?? I'm going to the club tonight

Look at the size of that peckah

Why does this concern you so much?

Probably because it's concerning.


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Concern? 90 percent of the posts on this sub are written to kill time while on the toilet.

why are you a flaming homosexual ?

There's no smoking in here.

Lol, you post on /r/TACN.

lmao at #1 there

They think they can have an effect on something in the real world. Can't disagree with the logic, it's happened a bunch of times before. It's become an addiction. Anything we think we have a shot at getting done, we take the shot. Doesn't matter what it is. Morality has zero to do with any of it. All that matters is results.

He would always fall in love with prostitutes. He's been fucking for money for over 20 years and still behaves like a rookie.

That’s because he’s an incel.

He's a paypig at best. Prostitutes can pick them out of a lineup.


The Princess is a savvy whore


I learned a new word.

He also said some shit like “she saw someone she wasn’t supposed to.” LOL

I cant even imagine living in denial like that...

Yeah, other clients.

Yes, although I’ve long had a strong objection to the word “client” being bandied about by whores in a feeble attempt to add legitimacy to their actions. No, you’re not a “sex worker” with “clients.” Clients buy insurance policies and seek legal counsel or investigative services. They receive an invoice. You suck cocks in a cash arrangement or are billed vie credit card through a dummy corporation.

I agree *other Johns

My trash sister is a hairdresser. When she refers to her customers as clients, I lose it

Understandable, but not nearly as bad.

If they come to her repeatedly for a service they are paying her for they are indeed her clients. What a weird thing to be confused about.

It was even more pathetic..."she was 'talking' to someone she wasn't supposed to"

Oh yeah! You’re right. Ol’ “Pimpin’ Jim” Norton ‘bout to place a how under pimp arrest for reckless eyeballing.

I flew to(and now live in) Norway and had a girl pull a Kano on me and rip my heart out. I'm still taking a 14 hour flight to see my Mom on Christmas though.

Norton lived in his parents house until he was 30. He used to bring pregnant, crack whores back there.

My guess is he sends them tons of money, but mentally it's too shameful to go back.

Not just what he was doing at 30, but his parents will ask if he will settle down and start a family, and all he can say is he wanted to marry a mentally ill 20 year old man from another continent.

I don't want a lot for Christmas this is all I'm asking for I just want to see a prolapsed butthole underneath the misletoe

Side Note: Jim spent years completely trashing Europe because they didn't support us enough with Afghanistan and vowed to never go there until he started coughing up tokens to look at Thor's hammer.

Ah yes, I remember Neo-Con "Just carpet bomb the whole damn place" Jim. Yet another fake set of views/personality that spineless jellyfish tried on for size.

He is an empty shell of a human

That was just posturing to cover up the fact that he was afraid to travel to relatively strange places.

He had to be dragged kicking and screaming to places like London and Amsterdam, and even when he got there, he hid in his hotel room with curtains drawn, did his sets, and left as quickly as possible. He’s terrified of being that far from home.

Eve when he got a European boyfriend, Jim made the dude meet him halfway at Montreal or Reykjavik.

Jim is an agoraphobic asshole.

Remember when he decided against going to "Ozzfest" at some tourist resort in Cancun because he didn't want to end up kidnapped and beheaded by the Sinaloa cartel? Fucking mentally ill idiot.

Everyone related to the show is afraid of travel pretty much

Now he's woke

Remember when he used to talk about going to Fat Bob Kelly's for Thanksgiving? Man what a piece of shit.

Sometimes your mom can’t pick you up after a 25 hour Jersey Asteroids tournament and you turn to B&J for comfort... then blame her forever.

Such a selfish cunt.

Pardon me, but didn't they meet halfway, in Iceland?


ur stupid

Yo u stoopid, b

It was Iceland yeah. Dumb americans dont know the difference. Sweden/Switzerland, same thing right?

May as well be. Both are useless countries.

Pretty much, yeah. Other, tiny countries don't really matter when we have the whole world on our shoulders.

Reminder. Jim would talk about his new lover for about a week until we all worked out what it was.

Stop this nonsense: Jim Norton doesn't actually like getting fucked in the ass by mentally ill males prostitutes

!he loves it!<

It's a tough one, man.

Has he talked about that recently?

He can't wait for her to die so it's not even a topic of conversation any more. Seeing her age makes him feel mortal and grody

He should just feel ashamed