How embarrassing.

1  2018-12-15 by RBuddCumia



A boring faggot

See Allen? I’m totally over you.

Splits is splitsville see. This token train is over fella.

P.S. Miss your smell.

Good thing he never worked out around toxi male energy.

Dead eyes, dead smile.

He’s got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll’s eyes.

This is the shit you would expect on a 38 year old soccer mom’s profile with her yoga instructor. I can’t believe this guy used to be considered edgy

I think it is edgy to take care of yourself in today's angry world! Am I right, peeps?

Well, he is a comedian, and laughter is the best medicine! Maybe he isn’t just growing up, but growing in, you guys.

Sometimes ya just gotta put on a wig and go ARGH! ya know?! Totally healthy.

Jim's using characters to try to reach us, and we need to accept him!


WE GET IT JIM, YOU TRAIN, YOU EAT WELL. You’ve also shown zero physical progress since 2014, Fucking slug.

Probably because he doesn't actually workout.

I'm thinking he doesn't care about the workout, he just likes being dominated by a woman in public. That's why he eats egg whites and mustard. Not because he likes it, because he's a cuckolded little worm. He's such a deviant he can't distinguish the difference between a dominatrix and a physical trainer.

Just when you think we've diagnosed every possible flaw in Jim's mentally ill behavior, the dominatrix/trainer observation is a fascinating addition. Well done.

I never seen someone so willing to be a friendzoned cuck to so many people and keep doing it.

I love how he seeks validation through these people and they use and dump him. Right Amy?

Nice progeria, stupid.

The fact that he's 50 years old, does shit like this and is still completely mystified why women don't want to have anything to do with him romantically speaks volumes. His lack of self-awareness is reaching Joe Cumia levels.

When none of your friends like you, your €mp£o¥€€$ will always be there!

yeah jim keep giving free meals to chicks who will never fuck you, fucking doormat.

Fuck you fag get back under theporch.

Shit like this is why I try to stay off FaceBook. There are too many middle-aged people on there making asinine posts like this.

great word for it

I hate Jim Norton.

Not a hint of irony.

It wasn’t weird dude. Honestly I’d tell you if it we’re just friends. it’s weird man I can’t think about my friends sexually. Honestly there wasn’t any kind of vibe.

Fez is way braver than this fruit.

Wow thats pretty shitty that a woman you supposedly know pretty well wont even give you a friendly peck on the cheek. Just a fake one from 9 inches away because she is secretly digusted by your face and only spends time around you because she gets paid to.

I'm embarrassed that he used to be my favorite comedian.

Haha, Jim can't get time from women unless he pays them. Hey Jim, Danny DeVito can get pussy, it's not because you're ugly.

Imagine pressuring your female trainer to go out with you because you're a lonely fag.
Poor girl has to comply because she'll lose a client.
Does she have a bf? I can just see her explaining "i gotta go get dinner with this weird little wormy looking dude so he doesnt get pissy and spit on the floor"