1  2018-12-15 by dropngo


He should turn himself in for that stolen ivory from his employer.

Just think, there's some poor kids that have to stand still and listen to lectures from this dunder-headed nitwit, and pretend like they respect him

I'm your father. Got something to say to me?

Why don't you go to work during the day like all the other kids' daddies? The only other daddy who stays at home every day is Shaniqua's dad.

"Why don't you go to work during the day like all the other kids' daddies? The only other daddy who stays at home every day is Shaniqua's dad Joe Matarese."

Excuse me, 82nd Airborne Vet. He knows a thing or two about a thing or two.

He should show these to Anthony.

"But Dad, last week you said..."

"But Dad, I can't miss school again..."

"Daddy didn't take me to school again today because he was drinking all night"

Hmm. Is Joe Cumia some kind of unstable imbecile?

Ya know, I think I'm starting to see what you're talking about.

There's no way that daughter of his hasn't already started building her hatred towards him.

Ant hasn't already started working out how he's going to use it to his advantage when she gets to be 8 or so.

There's no way Ant hasn't already started working out how he's going to use it to his advantage when she gets to be 8 or so.

the CONSEQUENCES of messing with this sub = looking like an idiot on Peoples Court

"Daddy, why did you hit my mommy with a frying pan?" 🍳😢


Spoken like a true guinea nigger with no sense of responsibility. Of course that's a very CUMIA conclusion.

Imagine having this doddering old fool lecture you with great gravitas about the most obvious realities on earth. And realizing even as a child that he doesn't practice anything that he preaches.

ive grown to crave updates on joseph cumia. i need a cup of joe every morning.

It's unfolding more and more.

So you're not a racist if you say racist things and/or write them on the internet or if you have any facts or evidence to draw on that helps you build your opinions on another race.

Look at this buffoon pontificating like he's throwing diamonds at the dullards.

Meanwhile, he can't be bothered to get his daughter to school on time. I think the hypocrisy gave me whiplash.