Retarded faggot

1  2018-12-15 by TonyFromLongIsland


Would a retard be able to floss his teeth with chopsticks?


If he died tomorrow who would care? I'm betting even Jess would be mildly relieved. She'd probably be better off financially as a single mother given the chicken tendies budget would suddenly be freed up.

She could start eating vegetables again, the place would smell nicer, she could enjoy culture that doesn't involve oile up muscle men. It would be great for her. She would need to drown the infant though, it cannot be allowed to live.

You talk as if she's some oppressed Saudi wife. She's probably as much of an unbearably childish cunt as he is.

Shed have a lot of gay toys and wrestling shit to sell off

Waiting for the Millennium Falcon to fly out from between his teeth.

Jesus, I never noticed how small and fucked up his teeth are. Maybe the reason he still eats like a toddler is because he never lost his baby teeth.

Fucking queer.