Any of you guys been keeping up with this Patreon drama?

1  2018-12-15 by TangerineReam

If you ask me gang...these clods over at Patreon are all wet...


No, what’s the haps?

Banning people they disagree with over politics pretty much. I'm just glad we can have some sense of justice in a world where that orange man is president.

What Patreon drama?



I'm against companies discriminating in general but this is what happens when they have the ability to do so. If you fight for deregulation, what do you think corporations are going to do?

That sucks for the people getting banned for no reason but I completely am okay with a business choosing who it does business with. I’m still confused though why Christian bakers have to make cakes for queers but patreon and twitter can ban anyone they want.


Or why racists are forced to serve niggers.

I’m still confused though why Christian bakers have to make cakes for queers

I'm pretty sure the court ruled that they didn't have to.

The supreme court ruled the other way based on another case this year.

In a 7-2 decision, the Court ruled on narrow grounds that the Commission did not employ religious neutrality, violating Masterpiece owner Jack Phillips' rights to free exercise, and reversed the Commission's decision.

Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission

Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, 584 U.S. ___ (2018), was a case in the Supreme Court of the United States that dealt with whether owners of public accommodations can refuse certain services based on the First Amendment claims of free speech and free exercise of religion, and therefore be given an exemption from laws ensuring non-discrimination in public accommodation — in particular, by refusing to provide creative services, such as making a wedding cake for the marriage of a same-sex couple, on the basis of the owner's religious beliefs.

The case dealt with Masterpiece Cakeshop, a bakery in Lakewood, Colorado, which refused to provide a wedding cake to a gay couple based on the owner's religious beliefs. The Colorado Civil Rights Commission, evaluating the case under the state's anti-discrimination law, the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act, found the bakery discriminated against the couple and issued specific orders for the bakery to follow.

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So one state ruled one way and another the opposite. The fact anyone has been fined for this proves my point that queers are in fact troublemakers.

The Supreme Court is federal and sets precedents for lesser courts.

Didn’t the Oregon people still get fined or was it dismissed?

I don't know, it happened before they ruled that so I have to assume he did still get fined but maybe he could sue the state now ? I don't know much about the law.

I know about the law. How to run from it!!!!

Nana could probably never admit defeat and go the Patreon route anyway But given the climate there these days, I doubt he’d last long.

That fruit Milo lasted a day

Milo's in debt. He tried to cash in way too early, even though he was mostly a one-trick pony to begin with. Nigga was really out here trying to set up an anti-social justice university for boys, meanwhile he had no real financial merit yet, even pre-2016. He was red hot at the time, but he should've have waited to see how that would've played out, value-wise. He was ahead, but Ben Shapiro and specifically Jordan Peterson wound up surging light years ahead of them. Now both those niggas are financially stable, and Milo is finished.

Who cares? It’s their company.

I’m tired of people treating private companies like they’re some public utility that everyone has a right to.

Yes, but when the internet is as huge and influencial as it is, and you actually NEED it to make a living and sustain yourself; it's starts to cross-over from private companies to real out-of-control insanity.

No, you don’t NEED it, you’ve chosen that.

You can't even exist in the world without the internet. And the cabal surrounding big tech is playing deliberate favorites, while also putting pressure on smaller companies to box out the people they just kicked out. So it's not company A choosing to not work with you. It's a consortium of companies rigging the game, deliberately. Same thing happens/has happened with a multitude of other corporate organizations.


People are crying over Patreon and Twitter and I’m the faggot?

Those are the people giving those companies power, not me. All social media could end tomorrow and I wouldn’t give a fuck. This shit isn’t important.

I hate corporate bootlicking retards like you. Wether they’re private or not doesn’t matter when these large companies hold monopolies. As if them being private companies make them immune to the constitution or common decency.

Are you one of those retards who thinks someone’s first amendment rights are violated if they get kicked off Twitter or Sirius?

Fuck those companies and fuck you.

youre a faggot, dude

Sirius and twitter are completely different things. How are you so retarded as to equate them?

Yes I’m equating them because they both have nothing to do with the government so you have no right to say what you want on either. And they’re both shit.