This is hilarious.

1  2018-12-14 by RBuddCumia


1)BULLYING happens to 5-15 year old kids . If you are older ... it's called '' being mean ''

2) Dylan is a cunt .

I feel bad for her, but Dylan isn’t the cunt. It’s nice that her mom is bringing her clothes, but also shows how happy she is to enable her. If you are under 18 and that size, your parents definitely have a large roll in it.

I'll assume that word misuse was on purpose.

It’s not like I said “past”. Nic cage never turns down a role, Bobby never turns down a roll.

She definitely shouldn't be that size. But Dylan is still a huge cunt.

He probably isn’t a nice person, and probably has a mean parent at home.

I dated a girl in college, one of her friends started gaining weight. All of her friends started making fun of her to her face. I questioned why they would be so shitty to her face. She told me that they wanted to help her stay fit so she could find a decent man.

Bullying helps remind people why they should normalize with the herd. The weakest links are always picked off first.

But he's not confronting her. He's being a little weasle who's taking her picture behind her back. She probably saw that picture because a friend of hers showed it to her out of concern.

I knew guys like him. I was one. They're not trying to make anyone better. They're just mean little fucks who need an ass kicking.

This is so relatable.

He’s a huge cunt if he texted that to her. If he sent it to his friend and they shared it, he’s just like any of us. It looks like she made a collage for Twitter, not sure how she ended up with that snap.

He probably sent it to a bunch of people but not her. Then one of them showed it to her. That's how it works.

Well, person who knew it would get back to her would be worse than Dylan in this situation. I would have made the same joke when I was 14, but I wouldn’t have run up to her and yelled “you smell like diabetes”.

Depends on their intention.

"I'm letting you know becuse they're all laughing at you behind your back and you should be aware."

Is different than

"Hey piggy look how gross you are."

If anyone I loves die in a horrible wreck, I would like a phone call, not a picture of it.

Hahahaha! “Roll” indeed...

This bummed me out.

Fuck man, I hate when shit actually kind of gets to me.

That’s sad.

Eh...I feel bad for her.

Then why dont you date her?


Uuuh...I'm gay.

Ha ha! This guy's a queer!

Panicky Voice Uuuh if they have a dress on, not gay, sir. Not gay!

Ask her if you can buy her a Starbucks.

I think I would put her mind at ease and tell her she's not as bad as Amy Schumer.

Damn I got legit sad reading the text. Poor girl.

Clearly not in poverty. You see the size or her?

Then lay off the Krimpets, pig.

Aun peor is the sound the pant legs make rubbing together

End bullying

I gotta be honest, I don’t understand what is happening here I just see a person that would step on a skateboard and snap it in half.....wearing Vans.

That poor girl. This isn't funny at all and i hope Dylan is a victim on the next school shooting which should be any minute now.

It's sad because her mom doesn't even seem shocked at the question. Oof.

This is why amphetamine should be legal. Same heart problems as obesity but at least you won't have droopy dog cheek thighs.

"People are making fun of me and i want to change"

She almoooost gets it...

This is a year old

Someone motherfucked her when she was getting the sympathy treatment dug up a few old tweets where she sad “fag”and she “didn’t like black people”

Gotta clean up the timeline before you seek that public sympathy

Or win the heisman trophy 😂

I thought her old tweets warranted more sympathy.

Mom: Which horseshoes do you want your field ones or pulling the cart on cobblestone ones?

I don't support this way of life, its pretty sick, but picking on somebody like that in public, especially a woman, is just faggish.

Anybody that has been bullied irl at any time in their life knows that feeling.

Once she finds a black boyfriend, people like dylan wont bully her anymore

I want to bully her with a cattle-prod

The clowns in the barrels are mocking me

Dylan’s a faggot

I'm sure the black guys like her.

Fuck, I want to stop being such a piece of shit now.