Joke Theif: Then & Now

1  2018-12-14 by crookedmile


Miss Piggy

We can't even make Miss Piggy jokes anymore, she has actually managed to get more fat and repulsive than a pig.

Miss Piggy is Margot Robbie compared to this fucking beached whale

Hate her.

Modern Feminism: Before and After

2012 made jokes about minorities/2018 blogs about how we need to stop anyone from saying bad things about people.

Fuck her and her cunt uncle.

I wonder how much plastic surgery she has had. I know they are only cousins, be he looks like nazi propaganda.

What a tub of shit, plenty of women get pregnant and don't look like complete food blisters.

Nice walmart physique, stupid

She just keeps stealing from Patrice

Hopefully she dies of diabetes soon.

First lose her foot please


Its " parallel" thinking she only stole from several other comedians way worse then Carlos Mencia

See, she even stole Mencia’s bit.

Slowly transforming into Thurman Murman from Bad Santa

fraggle stick car

She’s fat Jenna from 30 Rock. I would’ve still fucked her though...

Who the fuck am I kidding? I’d fuck Amy too.

Hell yeah, poon is poon

Its from Hell

Dat bitch look like Thurman Munson.

that's real? jesus christ..

She identifies as trans-ned beatty.

more like a trans-fat

He was just never the same after that Deliverance deep dicking

Wendy the Slow Adult.

Wendy's the fat fuck

hopefully an old Indian man gives her a cherry pie soon

Nice "theif", stupid.

i before e, especially after sea cow

Her poor husband.. Wait, he knew what he was getting into...

She did marry a chef

She married a jew lol

I'm speechless

Liberalism is a bitch

Liberal with her food choices, far-right conservative with makeup

She was so fuckable in the beginning, I'm genuinely depressed that she's fallen so low

What did she do , eat them?

Ned Beatty

God damn...


She was, very briefly, somewhat attractive.


It would be more tragic if she was ever funny.


Fuck this fat, ugly, arrogant cunt pig.

She's on a gravy drip.

Her husband lost the big game. Or sleeps with big game. One of those.

It'd be hard to lose her I imagine. Very....large....presence

In the more recent photo, I can almost smell the pungent aroma from here. That poor bastard. Male golddiggers have it much worse. A woman just has to blow Mel before the jacuzzi. How hard is that? I'm not gay and I'm pretty sure I would blow Mel if he told me to.

This is what happens when you outlaw making fun of fatties

Bitch looks like a fat Nick Swardsen.

That's god trying to tell you you're not fit to be a mom, bitch.

Why does she seem to always have an IV in everytime I see a picture of her now?

Looks like Louie Anderson in Baskets.

Someone better notify Macy's that Amy might need to return to her grand larceny past. Deep cut on this one... maybe Artie can go with her and they can grab the oars and the canoe!

Her transition from a 4/10 straight to diabetic slob sure is going well.



2012, Jesus, that means she was attractive into her 30s...

Feminism is a hell of a drug. I just thought she got old and didnt care anymore

Went from regular weight and ugly to the size of a guest house and ugly.

If that chef boyfriend of hers isn't a feeder I feel bad for the dude. Shit, even if he is a feeder I feel bad for him. Her body is hell bent on storing excess fat in all the wrong places.

Jeselnik really did a number on that broad. Wow.

And that's not even her final form.

Fuck shes fat.

She looks like this fat kid named Steve I played High school Football with. He was the center.