If he hadn't consistently proven how stupid he is, you could be forgiven for thinking that Joe is playing a character in order to embarrass the younger brother he secretly hates and resents.

1  2018-12-14 by McGowan9

Deep down, Joe is jealous and resentful that Anthony "made it" and that he relies on him financially. Not enough to make something of himself or stop accepting handouts, but certainly enough to harbour a seething hostility. And so he does everything he can to publicly humiliate little bro and further tarnish his reputation.

From name dropping him constantly during his People's Court appearance while frequently associating him with the topic of pedophilia, to appearing like a retarded cyclone outside his book signing, to enabling Anthony's alcoholism and secretly recording and releasing audio of his "gay voice" online, Joe has made it his mission to destroy his "baby" brother and lay claim to what he sees as rightfully his.

Of course it's just because he's a total moron but what a twist it would be.


“Appearing like a retarded cyclone.”

This couldn’t be more correct. A true storm of stupid.

I think it's far worse; he's a functional retard who truly has no shame for taking his brother's money and encourages his brother to succeed so he can get a bigger taste.

This is it. It's just difficult to believe anyone could be as stupid and oblivious as him. I've met some stupid people, I've met some shameless people and people without any self-awareness but I've never seen anyone as dumb, shameless and lacking self-awareness as Joe. He is truly a one-off.

He would need to be a secret genius, and as we all know, there are no geniuses in the Cumia family tree.

You don't think they're cut from the same cloth as the great men of NASA mission control c.1969?

Nah, just a dimwit. Total maroon. He's exactly the type of gullible, blindly patriotic, low-class rube Yakov's Dinner Adventure was targeting with their human slinky, rainbow bubbles, cast rendition of the national anthem and elementary school cafeteria hot lunch dining experience.

In fact, I could absolutely picture notjourney opening for Kirby one day

I think that he is just a nigger and I don't particularly like to use that hurtful word but Brother Joe is a nigger and I sincerely mean that.

The StarveNana hastag he uses would actually fit the theory that Joe is trying to purposely embarrass Ant. The trouble is that Joe is so uniquely retarded that I have no doubt he actually thinks he's putting the haters in their place every time he uses it.

I'd love to know what his thought process is behind that. I'm sure it didn't extend beyond 'The redditards think they're clever with Feed Nana?? Well I can take that and spin it on its head and now I win!!🤣🤣🤣"

What a spastic he is.

Good name