Where we at with black Spider-Man

1  2018-12-14 by RelevantField


I couldn't give a shit what color faggot comic books are.

When that shit first got announced years ago i tried to convince one of my nerdy friends that the character's real name was "Miles Mulatto". Dummy almost bought it, too.

completely hate it. Peter Parker or nothing

What's next, Doctor Octoroon?

His name is venom and we already got him

black spiderman? niggas be stealing whole movie franchises now? smh fam 4real

Peter Darker

Anyone who cares about this shit is a severe faggot. Imagine getting angry about which crayon the nerd uses to color the spider boy?

There's no reason he can't be black. Whatever dude, I don't give a fuck. I'm not here to angry all the time.

Who cares?

Its all nerd shit. Who cares. Watch a real movie. Read a real book.