I almost feel bad for Joe Cumia

1  2018-12-14 by BeigeFrequency


That reminds me I have to re-watch the Joe documentary or at least stare at the thumbnail for a second for a cheap laugh

My friend who knows nothing about the O&Averse told me "you gotta watch this video of this retard" and linked me the doc. Feels great.

Jesus, I feel bad for Beige Frequency.

Well, stop it.

dredging up his old posts he deleted where he's emotionally talking about his family and, however awkwardly, extending an olive branch, was sleazy on your part and I think you feelt justified in doing it because you feel racists "deserve" it

Found the SJW fag

the people who respond to posts like the one I made tend to be the type of people I'm describing. It's probably better not to respond at all.

You reach back to say that anyone who goofs on the massive stupidity of #StarveNana is effectively a card carrying member of Antifa. Then you pivot to crybaby SJW tactics to voice your issues with the doc. Real man’s man, this one.

dredging up deleted comments and putting them in a large public showcase to humiliate someone is tabloid trash at best, SJW type tactic at worst - especially if in the context of it being justified because the person is "racist"

BroJoe is a doofus and lolcow, but he is also a conduit for some SJW types to direct their generalized angst and aggression towards "racism" and T.rump supporting types

Whats this bit? "Is a huge fag" guy?

I dont have any sympathy for a racist retard wife beater who is not a pedophile.