Stop comparing missy to bodybuilders.

1  2018-12-14 by Bouquet_of_seaweed

She does cardio, that doesn't make you jacked.


she likes a jack and muscle milk after a long day of waiting in the car to drive Tony home.

Alright just because you respect (jerk off to) body builders doesn't mean I have to.

I'm just saying the treadmill isn't strenuous activity.

That man can't only be doing cardio. You see them bicep pillows?

Missy can bench 350

One handed.

Why did you make this post?

You taking something personal, or do you jerk off to women who are built like linebackers or Michelle Obama?

I am guessing the latter.

I'm saying you people are giving her too much credit. She ran on the treadmill for 30 minutes and almost died.

So she only does cardio but can’t run on a treadmill for 30 minutes? You’re not making sense.

We all agree that 🐜 feels safe in her arms.

You are dumb.

You are unaware that Bruiser Becky crushes watermelons between her thighs.

She looks like the hotter one of the two headed twins

Cardio, Jujitsu and (by the look of it) weights too.

Are you thinking of a different woman?

I heard that she is the reason Lou Ferigno is deaf. I think she put him in a headlock, and blew out his eardrums.