This is hard to admit but...

1  2018-12-14 by DuplessisObongo

Joseph Cumia gives the best blowjob I’ve EVER gotten. I’m a fit, bi male who likes spaghetti western night at the Big Apple Ranch. I met him there and then we enjoyed some Sergio Corbucci, then some boi pucci. He offered me 65 dollars to murder his wife and makenit look like a suicide.


Wow that took a dark turn

You're in myyyyy fuckin' house!

You stuck your dick in the shitter stall hole at 9pm on Tuesday too? Joe is the best indiscriminate cocksucker at the Ranch.

Oh, completely agree! Joe Cumia doesn't ignore the taint, he slurps it clean. Even if you're 2 weeks unwashed and just recently took a big steamer.


you have ruined corbucci for me

65 dollars total or was that just a down payment until he gets his next residuals check from his brother?