You know what dude? You got your братва , you got your вор в законе , boom теперь ты король преступного мира !

1  2018-12-14 by bobodid911


Joe Derosa wishes he had Russian Bobby's shoulders

Joe DeRosa wishes he had shoulders.

Did Bert drink with Russian Bawby

Honestly Bert's story sounds absolutely plausible, BUT he DEFINITELY drank with some real low level thief. It's like hanging out with a Mexican pickpocket and saying that '' I now know a member of Medellín Cartel '' . Theft in trains ? Not a high level job. A gypsy pickpocket would look at that and say he would do better in the Red Square.

A gypsy

Most Russian mafia is actually Jewish. Shocking, I know.

Yes and no. There is a very "old money" Russian Mafia that dates back to the Russian Empire and it's official policy of antisemitism and then there is the modern Bratva which exports Siberian Tigers to the streets of Brooklyn to butcher and feed on the colored gangs.

This is really interesting. Is there a place I can read more about this?

I told single action or some other dude "History of the Red Army 1930 - 1945" is a good place to start. There is a diary that was published of an English reporter who was friends with Nicohlas from his inauguration to execution. I promise I'll message you guys with some titles that are easily found online

how about the '''oligarchs''' after 1991

They all pay tribute to Putin. The best criminals filled all the secret police roles in government after Stalin died

I could only find these two:

Hitler's Nemesis: The Red Army, 1930-45, by Walter S. Dunn jr.


The Soviet Economy and the Red Army, 1930-1945 by the same guy.

Is it any of those?

The fuck are you talking about? This doesn't make any sense.

Russians are maybe a notch above Italians in the "most niggery people of Europe" category.

By a large margin.

But they hate fags and women so it's not all bad.

They're not really white people, they're something else. Anyone who's ever dealt with them will know what I mean. Their culture and customs are totally alien to us. They are ok once they trust you and get to know you but that can take a lot of work and patience. They're a strange people.

whats your take on poles

They need to fuck off back to Poland.

people in western Europe always say slavs aren't white and they act different. how true is the behavior difference is what i'm asking

I wouldn't put Poles or other Eastern Europeans in the same bracket as Russians. Russians are anarchic by nature. They simply don't follow the same rules and social norms as Europeans. The only authority they respect is a total and brutal one - it's probably down to their history : Tsars, Stalin etc. It's such a fucking massive country and they're so fiery by nature (very sensitive to slights and quite emotionally volatile yet stone-faced at the same time) that they need a "strongman" type to rule them under threat of force. See Putin. Even then though, you never know. They're unpredictable as hell.

Having said that, if they like you they're some of the most fiercely loyal fuckers alive. Tough bastards too and a lot of them have surprisingly poetic souls. You'll see working class people on the metro trains in Moscow dressed in work overalls reading Pushkin and Tolstoy.

I met a bunch of Russian fisherman in a shitty job I had in my youth unloading boats. You're absolutely right about the surprisingly poetic thing, I still have the copy of Neuromancer one of them gave me one night.

"White" is an American concept, in Europe you group more by ethnicity and culture. Slavs aren't a monolith either, there are 3 subgroups: West, South & East.

West and a portion of South make up the Central Europeans, who are traditionally Catholic/Protestant and were historically under centuries of Austro-Germanic influence, and as such were part of the Western world right up until the Iron Curtain went up. They are otherwise as culturally Western as the Krauts and would have socio-economically developed accordingly had they not been fucked up by the imposition of Communism post-WW2. Can still be a little rough around the edges but that is the legacy of mind-raping totalitarianism for ya.

Then ya got your South Slavs (excluding the Central European Slovenes and Croats), who are traditionally Orthodox/Muslim and were historically under centuries of Ottoman influence. Culturally, these guys are are little less Western and a little more Balkan, basically Greco-Byzantine with some Turkish. They never experienced the Renaissance, Reformation and Enlightenment like the Central Europeans did so lagged behind and only really started Westernizing/modernizing after the Turks were kicked out in 1912. But they can party like no other, lemme tell ya.

And then finally ya got your East Slavs, the ones all the stereotypes are based on. Orthodox ex-Soviet, historically under Russian influence and it shows: they squat around in tracksuits, use carpets as wallpaper, drink vodka like water and keep the dashcam industry going. There is definitely something different about them, perhaps the Eurasian influence, calculating as fuck with short fuses and capable of incredible brutality at the drop of a hat. But they're also capable of some pretty impressive shit when they put their best minds to work, remember these guys won the Space Race and are influencing elections all over the world, I wouldn't ever under-estimate them, they're definitely not stupid folks.

Some of the women are hot. They're an insular bunch in the UK, don't even really mingle with other Eastern European immigrants as far as I can tell. The men are good donkeys who will build you a new kitchen cheaper and quicker than English workmen using the same materials.

lol the poles redid the whole front of my parents house back in the day. Those fuckers know how to build on the cheap

will build you a new kitchen cheaper and quicker than English workmen

Not a very high bar, even a bunch of women or some Africans would do that.

With English workmen you can always count on expensive, late, over-budget and under delivered work.

While my patriotic side's first instinct was to hit back and insult you somehow, I can't even argue with your last paragraph.

Wow fuck you, like you ever been outside your fucking shithole state, asshole.

I'm not American.

Russian Crime Statistics

would you shove the most moist part of that towel in your mouth and suck on it for 5 grand?

Yep, I would.

And I'd suck on his asshole for an additional 10. Any more questions?

PM me.

The Golden Horde did nothing wrong.

everyone raving about pieface donofrio in daredevil, where the fuck was this cunt during casting


Who is this man? I want to know more.

Стас Барецкий

This is that guy that manhandled that feminist bitch from the Vice TV show..

Охуенно, братишка. Не ожидал тут увидеть Стаса. Вечер в хату.

Google губошлеп for a fun song with that guy. Kinda catchy. Стас Барецкий is a fun dude. Worked as a grave digger, had some ties with criminals. Yeah that's about it.