CERTIFIED FRESH: Almost Journey Promo Demo 2019 Agency Friendly

1  2018-12-13 by crookedmile


Someone called it earlier. They said this sub was too distracted with Linzbella which meant it was time for Joe to do something stupid again. Ol' Faithful right there...

Because Neal Schon was known for his Hot Topic shirts with chain graphics.

Fuckin' dork.

Does he iron the cartoon chains on the shirt himself, or can you buy those shirts?

Anyone know how to delete comments? I just worry what Joe will do to me and my family. 🤔

All of Joe's stage clothes make him look like a Central Illinois line cook at a Denny's

I despise his little gay hat.

Joe Cumia is such a faggot. Bassist looks like a an even more retarded Ron Pearlman, I'm sure Joe wants to fuck him and live out his Sons of Anarchy fantasy.

Joe looks like some 12 year old's edgy website from 2002

Separate Gays

Joe has a way of picking people for his play pretend bands that look and sound NOTHING like the people they are trying to emulate.

Steve Perry looks like Fred Armisen playing some character on SNL.

Is the beginning a sample of the Journey Escape Atari game?

Also comments aren’t disabled on YouTube.