Never forget

1  2018-12-13 by zacharyprencha


i don't necessarily mind gay porn in general but this in particular is pretty disgusting


Are you suggesting admiring the male physique is in any way gay sir? I'll challenge you to a bout of fisticuffs with my ancient Greek niggas if you wish to continue in sullying my good name.

There's that fag talk.

You're saying that this doesn't turn you on?

“So so so youre saying if i desire cock like my little brother that means IM GAY!?!”

Never change. I love you.

jesus what the fuck

Listen, are you two queers gonna buttfuck each other or what? I've got work tomorrow

Yes. If you have a male body, you are gay

Yeah, Anthony's face is gross.

I was scared it was interracial at first.

Look at those cold, dead, shitty brown eyes. Reminds me of this Tunisian that bit my hand one time. Wild animals and savages, I tell ya.

The cock helmet shadow on his lip is really well done

Hopefully nobody makes a compoundmedia twitter using that as a profile pic and tweeting incessantly at cumias friends and associates.

I'm sure Colin Flaherty would love it.

Why are the cocks used on this sub always shiny and glistening?

Freshly pulled from Joe’s wife

She'd never get a chance at it. If there was a black dick in Joe's house he'd be orally draining it round the clock. #FeedSAMCRO

LOL this is honestly a fucking fantastic pic! Sidebar!!!

this isn’t real.

it is.


Never thought that a picture of nana sipping on a dick with his tough-guy face would would be so god damned funny.