His sexuality, his kids' paternity...Everything!

1  2018-12-13 by NeerDoWell19


'Joe Rogan Questions Everything In An Extremely Boring Manner.'

Meanwhile, Rogan doesn't question anything meaningful. He plays it safe with little kid conspiracies like aliens and Bigfoot. Doesn't question the motives of the media complex that signs his checks or why he's allowed to promote "mind-expanding" drugs if they're such a threat to the system (MAAAAAAN!)

It's even worse because Joe's been around the fringe/conspiracy thing long enough to know better. Shit like aliens and bigfoot are '90s caricatures of conspiracy fodder; bet you won't see an episode on Michael Hastings (even though Duncan Trussell or whatever his name is harps on it rather frequently on Joe's program.) Won't see anything about 9/11 Saudi connections or the dancing Israelis either. I like to think Joe is, at heart, a go along to get along kind of guy; a people pleaser who won't make waves and will do what the producers tell him to do without making a fuss about it. But when you have the kind of money Joe has it seems kinda like a copout to do a conspiracy show and then torpedo it with only covering dumb shit.

Great point. Jan Irvin, who used to be friends with Joe and was on JRE years ago, said Rogan was all into conspiracies. He even used to believe the moon landing was fake and even gave out a multi-tape documentary that claimed to disprove it. Once he got the Sci-Fi contract, his tune changed drastically. He also mocked Irvin on his show, when (whatever people's opinions of Jan are) he actually does research and looks into the stuff he's talking about.

All ad hominem slams on Rogan aside, my main beef is that he poses as this inquisitive mind when his platform is a sandbox for people too timid to go into more controversial areas of actually questioning things.

A lot of the time with people on the conspiracy side of reality you get the feel that they're not acting in good faith. Alex Jones definitely gives off those vibes. David Icke's entire persona is built on those vibes. You get the sense that they don't believe the shit they're peddling, or at least not all of it; they're playing a character.

I think it's different with Joe. I think Joe honestly is inquisitive and has an interest in this sort of thing.

Joe's problem is he's a little dull. Conspiracy theories as a general rule require you to have a pretty keen nose for bullshit, and Joe doesn't have it. An intelligent person wouldn't believe that after ~15 minutes of the most basic Google "reserach," much less continuing to entertain the idea for years. He actually does have an inquisitive mind...it's just not very good at discriminating the wheat from the chaff.

Agreed about Jones and Icke. Personally I think their role is as a limited hangout, where they give you a bit more of the truth than mainstream media outlets but misdirect their listeners with nonsense (lizard people, etc.). There are people who do actual research (Irvin, Jay Dyer, E. Michael Jones, Tim Kelly from Our Interesting Times, Russ Winter, Ryan Dawson) and even if they're not always right, they are sincere in their work. They will never reach the audience Rogan gets because their format is not as accessible as his and because they go into topics that are actually controversial.

Rogan is an entertainer with big money contracts from major media conglomerates. If people are entertained by his work, fine. But anyone with that level of coverage and promotion should be viewed with suspicion when it comes to what they're actually saying.

Lot of those names I haven't heard of but Ryan Dawson's rundown of the Dancing Israelis/Urban Moving Systems fucked me up pretty good when I saw it, and E. Michael Jones' lectures are great. I'll have to give the ones I don't know of a look.

his platform is a sandbox for people too timid to go into more controversial areas of actually questioning things.

We call them ‘idiots’. That’s who you have to be to believe that’s Joe Rogan is actually an intellectual

The thing that people always overlook about Rogan in this regard is just how low his intelligence is, and how insecure he is, there's no need for him to be a sellout or part of a conspiracy if he's just extremely stupid and desperate for acceptance.

He believed in the most retarded disinfo conspiracy theories about chemtrails, the word ending in 2012, and "rods" etc. You can literally see how embarrassed, ashamed, and insecure he is the first time he had Neil DeGrasse Tyson on his podcast (probably because he still believes the moon landings were fake but he's too scared to say it).

He's always believed retarded shit, just look at the guests he had on his show like the young turks hosts and Abby Martin. Now he's being surrounded by pseudointellectuals who let him pretend to be an above-it-all "centrist" skeptic.

Joe was fun to listen to when he knew it was all stoner talk.Now he thinks his show is “This American life”.

You don’t think there’s anything to aliens/ufo’s? Even with the wealth of credible testimonies from pilots, military brass, high up politicians? Hell, a whole town in Texas saw a craft crash in 1898 Texas and saw a little person who they said was “from mars”.

Short answer: No.

Long answer: I think there's unexplained shit that happens in the atmosphere but it doesn't seem to fit any discernible pattern throughout history. If it was intelligent life there'd probably be some consistency in the phenomena being described. As far as I can tell there isn't. It doesn't seem like single phenomenon, but multiple unrelated ones that get lumped into the umbrella of "aliens/UFOs." So, I think we can sort of rule out regular visits by ETs or whatever. But there are certainly cases that make me scratch my head. Malmstrom AFB Echo Flight comes to mind, although I seem to remember reading something that made me doubt if the incident happened as described.

His next series will be just him sitting in a darkened room with his face in his hands trying to pretend the naked lubed up Duncan Trussel in the corner is just part of a DMT trip.

"If I fuck a guy in my floatation tank and no one hears it, did it actually happen?"

He looks like he's questioning what my cock tastes like.


I love watching him ask comedians to explain their jokes to him. Sawed-off faggot.

Wasn't he unironically on the fence about the moon landing? Dullard.

I've never been able to listen to this douche for more than 5 minutes.

I think it was the last time Eddie Bravo was on JRE, they where going down the conspiracy rabbit hole and Eddie had the JQ on the tip of his tongue and Joe had a look of genuine fear on his face and quickly cut him off. It looked to be out of friendship, not wanting to see his friend destroy his career and life. Eddie is fully woke on the JQ.

Eddie has to know if he brings that up it'll be the last time on the podcast, or even talking to Joe. This is Joe "George Soros is an ok guy" Rogan we're talking about here.

Joe "George Soros fought the nazis" Rogan

Hi, I want to learn but I'm really fuckin stupid. What is JQ? Best I could guess was jewish qabal?

Rogan has been fucking compromised

“Joe Roman spends 2 weeks wondering if contrails produced naturally by airplanes are actually secret government chemicals”