Meme dedicated to the HPV Princess herself. Nice tattoos, stupid.

1  2018-12-13 by NeerDoWell19


Lots of blacks found inside too.

Nice stupid old beliefs, stupid

Fucking puritanical assclowns.

Really can't come up with anything better than her not being old fashioned enough for you?

I'd say fucking Big A and Bobo is a bit more aberrant than "not being old fashioned enough."

It was a public service.

If more women would man the fuck and up and give incels some snatch, the world would be a better place.

Finally a woman comes along that isn't using her cunt as currency, or trying to act like it's some sacred artifact, so you attack her for the opposite.

So you're hanging out with this nice gal, she offers you a blowjob, and you reject it on moral grounds because you think it's unladylike? Or are you just one of those faggots that calls her a slut afterwards?

The Compound crew pay her, she literally is using her cunt as currency.

I would also never put my dick anywhere near where Big A's had been, not on moral grounds, but on epidemiological ones.

And smelling like salty garbage

Too real ?

tattoos predate language, its not only old fashioned, its ancient

Both usually abandoned

Stop insulting women with tattoos, and graffiti covered buildings by comparing them to or generalizing them as this slag

Tattoos are for degenerates.

No. They’re for tough guys. But they are also poetic and deep! Each tattoo tells a story!

It’s all subjective but still a form of art and expression kind of like your wanna be witty tough guy act.

Nice ruining your chances of getting buried in a Jewish cemetery, stupid.

The word degenerates is for neckbeards and alt lite proud boys

Tattoofags crying in the comments. She put shitty cartoons on her skin to get attention and so did you. Just accept it, queers.

Tattoos are fucking shit

What? Jeez you're making me all self-conscious about my barbed wire and "Only god can judge me" tattoos.


Tattoos on (relatively) attractive, fertile age white women is like spray painting a stick figure on a Rembrandt.

"my baby died in utero I got this tattoo to remember them by"

Ok momento

If you have and like tattoos always remember so does Joe Cumia.

If I see someone with tattoos I just automatically assume they're mentally unhinged.

Women get tattoos because they can't develop real personalities.

I'd say fucking Big A and Bobo is a bit more aberrant than "not being old fashioned enough."

And smelling like salty garbage

Too real ?

tattoos predate language, its not only old fashioned, its ancient