
1  2018-12-13 by SheddupFaggot


All the mental one's have tattoos of Marilyn Monroe.

"If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve-" WE GET IT.

The smartest thing to ever come out of Marilyn's mouth was a Joe DiMaggio knuckle sandwich.

That San Fran guinea did the world a service!

It's because there's some dumbass rumor that Marilyn Monroe was fat, even though she obviously wasn't. So fatsos go "look she was plus size" to make then feel better about their dumpy bodies.

I want to fuck linzbella right in the shitter.

I never got the Marilyn Monroe thing. She looked like she was made out of marzipan and mortician's wax.

they romantacize both her glamorous life and tortured death. these are the same dingbats who think joker and harley quinn are romantic.

She looked like she was made out of marzipan and mortician's wax.

Well spoken!

I’d be impressed if she could name a single one of her films. Likely got a Marilyn Monroe tattoo because other people had one, the tribal tattoo of portraits

She's as well informed about the subject of her own tattoo as most people who have Arabic symbols.

Nice Marylin Monroe tattoo, whore.

Real trash have to use laundromats

I'm impressed she's even doing laundry.

Gotta get big A's cum and her shit off the clothes somehow.


More like this facility is under 24 FEET TALL!

Bobo dripped cum on those nonexistent tits

Tits and stomach that have the consistency & look of lasagna.

Just how short is this mutant, anyways

2.5 Joe Rogans, so VERY short

You think she smells like wet clothes and cigarettes?

Is that a Jimmy Saville tat?

Midget gargoyle whore

Nice low-resolution picture, stupid

I wish to kick that stool

Who thought this photo needed to exist?