Joe Cumia vs Joe Matarese

1  2018-12-13 by TonyFromLongIsland

The one with the most upvotes is officially the most hated faggot of this sub.


Joe Cumia

Joe Matarese

Not really even close. Matarese is just a mostly-self-depracating douche who somehow got the bizarre idea that comedy would be a good fit for him. Meanwhile it's a worse fit than it is for about 95% of women stand ups.

Cumia didn't even care enough to try having real job because of his "supplemental income". Just a hobby that pays a few grand a year. Plus has at least 20 or 30 additional truly atrocious character (and genetic) defects.

I know what you're saying, and it probably should be Joe Cumia, but holy fuck...Joe Matarese set up a show for comedians where they showcase abilities other than comedy to try to entertain the crowd because he's that fucking butthurt about his peers having talent and him having none.

I certainly won't stick up for the douche, but you have to give him half a point for originality. You say, ok this is the path I chose. What do I do with it. Come up with something, even if it's an abysmal failure.

Joe chose the "path" of mimicking the same old chords, written by someone else, into retirement, and to mimic himself sticking a card into his closest AnTM every single month.

Again, just not remotely imaginably close.
