Nice camera constantly auto-focusing on a chest of booze and blurring out your guest, you inept, ball-washing, gluttonous, irritatingly unfunny hack.

1  2018-12-12 by GorramTimebomb


I hope a plane crashes into that house and kills both of them. Or I’ll settle for cancer.

Wow, he has the collection of affordably priced alcohol in his mancave. He is so cool.

He has jars of candy against the wall. Is everyone in radio a man-child?

Who else would go into radio lol

Ugly people.

mucus membranes, bro

He doesn't eat it, his victims do. Look close enough and you'll see lines and tackle.

I was a Makers Mark drinker until I saw that bottle. Knob Creek or Woodford Reserve from now on. Thanks, Bert.

Old Forester is pretty good too.

Knob Creek is solid.

I'm new to this sub. Is this sub anti-Anthony or is this a joke I don't get? If it is, why? Thanks!

It's anti-hack, pro Dr Steve.

A handle of rum, wine, diet cola, Budweiser and Heineken. It looks like they should be tailgating outside of a Jimmy Buffett concert

Don’t judge him until he takes his shirt off. It’s always fresh and it kills every time.

What I would give to ask him on my show how it feels to know you can never shave, never lose weight (until for the comeback), never take off the hat, and to never keep the shirt on. It's like if a prop from a prop comic started touring.

Check out his "open tabs" podcast, if you're into the most banal and lazy podcast concept immaginable.

Fuck me if I'm wrong, but based on the name, I'm guessing it's a groundbreakingly zany concept like, "what's in your recent browser history" and "what porn did you watch recently"?

He records himself reflecting about each browser tab he had open that day. He seems to think that's the romantic life of a comic.

That's sounds horribly dull and pointless, much like his life.

I hope the bit is that he has to explain 200 gay porn tabs every time

I tried listening to his podcast one time, I made it 5 minutes into him talking with his wife and and to bail.

Nice adjectives stupid

His guest is a chest of booze

He really is the biggest ballwasher in comedy. He laps every comics nuts which makes them have to like him. He’s a manipulative phoney.

I had to turn this off after 30 minutes. Not only is he a fat hack sycophant but he's terribly unfunny and Ant was just nervously lapping it up.

Find me someone who genuinely likes this man and I'll show you a cunt.

No more pictures of Ant's pock-mark ridden face, thanks

Not to mention Bert repeats himself non-stop. How many times do we have to hear how he and Jay Mohr are cool? We already know Ant's life story. The moment the reddit shit was brought up, Bert should've been hammering away at that. Because it was the only time in the convo Ant was showing real animation. Bert is just a big, fat, sloppy hack with ugly kids. Fuck him, and his stupid fucking face.

Nice dad shoe Keith. Couldn't just fuck off for an hour or two? You're a handler. Not talent. Fuck off.

Bert is awful at interviewing people. I would love to bash Ant. But all Bert did was interrupt him to talk about his self. It's insane how self-absorbed he is. You can tell other comedians think he is a joke. But his constant self-deprecation, and ass kissing make it hard to be mean to him to his face. The guy was in the same room as a women-beating, alcoholic, pedophile. And he was still the more unlikable of the two. Good job, faggot.

But he's the machiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine

You must’ve watched a lot of this episode to notice that.....

god I hate that fucking gravy slob

Someone tell this fat faggot to put some socks on. No one watching wants to see his diabetes hooves.

dude booze lmao

We get it!!! You’re a frat boy party machine at the age of 48!