She is hoarding them

1  2018-12-12 by Pudshark


Hoarding tards

Lol so $10,000 to adopt a tard. That’s heavily discounted. Maybe she’s just cheap.

She could have adopted little nigger kids its cheaper and less paperwork that adopting a shelter dog

Then they would just drive them off a cliff like that lesbian couple in California.

to be honest ... they are defective and have no warranty

Gotta Catch Them All

You go girl! But 6 million is a though number to beat...

That house must be so loud

Her boyfriend has to be thinking enough is enough why can't we adopt a bunch of fifteen year old Vietnamese girls

"J-j-j-j-john and jeff!"

"Heh, we're two guys who think if you don't adopt a pre-teen from the philippines, you should be in jail!"

Retard army inbound!

Serbia really has the right idea here.

“Soon after the final child was adopted the state realized the children were being used as a ‘spit farm.’ Their number one and only client was joseph cumia of long island.”

Family photos less cringeworthy than the Cumias’ (1/18,484)

"The Army veteran had a hysterectomy after giving birth to Angela"

Fuck it, rip it all out doc.