Jim Norton gets wormier and wormier each day.

1  2018-12-12 by themeatball14

He’s a lifeline for semi attractive talentless female comics. What a worm move to have only hot chicks open up for you. What a faggot.


Or the fact that he’s made Luis J Gomez’s ex a more regular guest then Anthony

He’s a 50 year old closeted fag who plays big sister to these female open mic comics.

Talentless is implied when you say female comics.

He's gone as far as he's going to go, and all he's accomplished is telling the world that he pays trannies to shit on him

How can you trust something that can literally go fuck themselves?

Listening yesterday he added to the movies that he hasn’t watched was “Sin City” - ok that one I might understand. But also “Something About Mary” and “American Pie” - two huge comedies.

He's either a liar or he's getting early onset dementia. I distinctly remember him saying several times on O&A how There's Something About Mary was the last comedy he'd laughed out loud at. (This was before he saw Observe and Report.)

my theory is the only reason that talentless cunt kelsey cook got married was to get the worm off her back. same goes for chinny and gayve smith. vapid whores, all of them.

If you have to get married to shake off a weak chinned beta male then you really are a desperate talentless cunt. In the 5 years she opened for him, she constantly had to walk in a state of “I have a boyfriend”. Norton sucks.

pretending he enjoy's Sam's company because he's invested so much into pretending he enjoys his post-Opie life is straining him

The little fag get intimidated if there's too much "male energy".

In reality, he knows damn well that by putting a male opener, the chances of him being funnier than Jim would be great and he cannot take that risk. That old O&A audience took too much work to grab.

The worm does everything to don't get unmasked as a hack fraud instead of writing a good joke once in a while.

He's either a liar or he's getting early onset dementia. I distinctly remember him saying several times on O&A how There's Something About Mary was the last comedy he'd laughed out loud at. (This was before he saw Observe and Report.)