Jim Norton Defends One of His "Favorite Movies" Crash. He also mentions less memorable, not as good movies like "There Will Be Blood", "No Country for Old Men", "Magnolia" and "Million Dollar Baby".

1  2018-12-12 by dropngo


He thought Spike "coonery and buffoonery" lee was robbed of Oscar for ''Malcolm X''

Cuckmaster extraordinaire .The one and only Queen of Spades Norton

He told spike just that at the Jeter charity dinner where Jeter and all the athletes motherfucked him.

He would also re-tell the story of Patrice turning spike Lee down for a role in a way where spike was this cool laid back guy and Colin mocked him for being such a phony bitch.

id love to re listen to this if you had a link good sir


The Jeter spike Lee thing is at around 53:15 of this.

I think the colin deal is on the show after Patrice died.

The Colin thing is on the CQ vs Jim Norton compilation. I know it’s in part 1 but I’m too lazy to give you a specific time stamp.


Yeah the colin time was actually another time Jimmy told that spike story. He tells it again the day after Patrice died here at 2:58:00 but Colin isn't there. Attell makes fun of Jim's gay retelling of this black story, Jimmy gets noticeably mad at Attell, then Louis ck says fuck spike Lee and Jimmy "jokingly" sides with spike over his dead friend. Fucking worm.

Crash is like a textbook definition of a stupid movie that stupid people feel smart for “getting”.

All listed movies in the title are terrible.

id love to re listen to this if you had a link good sir