Jim Norton on Christmas

1  2018-12-12 by TranthonyRapesKids



Ĺlol how is it even once the time is their any other place that when you sorta put it into perspective it's meant like you had it but wasn't making a statement on that haha


It for was too time for is

I mean are you talking about a time before or maybe even during the event when that sort of thing would occur or is that something you might not think of when you need to unless it was required?

I also have holes in my brain from cough syrup pal

Yeah but time and again anyway you look at it because of its how nice you think sometimes we take it for how it is when really what's looking into where they land to when he comes by even in appreciation for it

nice schtick, stupid

Haha don't play the hater gay the plame

That’s a tough one, man. (Sucks teeth) Look, I know what you’re doing, but OK? (Ignores mom) You know, we will all have to get there at some point, and then at the reality of the moment, but these are the things that are exactly what I mean. Don’t you think, because I do think, to paraphrase a wiser man than I am, but the alternative is insufficient.

This guy knows what's up


Lol imagine picking the smell of Viking taint over freshly baked ham. Despicable.

they are fairly similar smells

virginia baked taint

Honey mustard taint

honey glazed dumper

Or pickled herring...

And gay

And he has the gall to rail against Jesus with these abhorrent values? Make your bed and stand up straight, Jimmy!

Why doesn't he acknowledge the fact he's queer?

Because then he would have to face the realization that hes been wrong his entire life. He'd rather live in denial and get strange men cock in his orifices.

Because then he would have no act.

OP and the guy who called Jimmy a ‘pilot fish’ should get together and discuss what it’s like to get a niggas ribs hurtin ta-DAY

Imagine the mental gymnastics this man does in his head to tell himself he isn't gay.

they don't call him "splits" for nothing

Well it's not like he has plenty of money and lots of time off around the holidays...

I also have holes in my brain from cough syrup pal

Yeah but time and again anyway you look at it because of its how nice you think sometimes we take it for how it is when really what's looking into where they land to when he comes by even in appreciation for it