Jim Norton hasn't done Ant's show in ages. Dennis Falcone doesn't give a care what the suits think

1  2018-12-11 by Dennyislife


God bless the piss lord.

That was never funny and the only ones who ever said it were Sam and his 8 gay fans

How dare you call me a Sam Roberts fan. I’m a fan of Anthony Cumia faggot.

He’s just there to show what a real giant dick is.

For me, Denny and Scorch are pretty much the only 2 guys that deserve any respect in the O&A universe

He said today he brought his first house at 25 with the money he got for getting his legs broken as a kid by a car running him over. Sam seemed amazed that he didn't spend the money as soon as he got it as a schoolkid.

Sam also informed everyone he's collecting 900 dollar velvet paintings of wrestlers.

Sam the anti-Denny. A piece of shit in every respect.

Denny and Scorch are who your parents wanted you to grow up as, not like these other family-ignoring pieces of shit

Sam also informed everyone he's collecting 900 dollar velvet paintings of wrestlers.

Ever time I think I can’t hate him anymore than already do, I come to this sub and you guys give me another reason to hate him even more. I think he’s a bottomless pit of hate.

say one nice thing about him......for giggles


CPJ, did you ever get to meet Denny back in the day?

He came on after me, I canceled my subscription in 10/11 and completely dissociated myself from the show, so I had no idea this guy even existed until I came here.

Ah bummer. Would have been cool if you got to work with him.

Incidentally, as a listener, Denny helped me realize what a shit Sam was. I never liked him, but didn’t consider what a total piece of shit he was until Denny started coming on and Sam (and Jim) treated him with jealousy and contempt.

Yeah, Dave. We all know your ass was ling fired before Denny.

Have a link?

Only Patrice deserves respect because he had the decency to die

Well then what about Steve C?



Bob Kelly is a good egg considering everything he went through.

Sure, so is Colin Quin. But Scorch is on a whole other tier, and Denny is a close 2nd

He's a good person but still a rotund swine.

Nah. What about Dr. Steve?

We’ve been showing a lot of Scorch love lately, and rightfully so. But let’s not forget that Denny deserves a plug every now and then, too.

Mr. Falcone🎩

going by his voice i always assumed he looked like john clayton from espn

Wow, Denny actually looks bigger and stronger than Dave Landau.

So does a woodland sprite.

Will somebody upload it for this sub's viewing pleasure?

Is Landau wearing a Ween shirt? Fuck. One of my favorite bands ruined by that faux hawked faggot.

Meh. I’m a big Ween fan, but I had to come to grips with the fact that there are tons of giant faggots who are also Ween fans a long time ago. Ever see the Ween subreddit? It’s at least as embarrassing as seeing Landau in a Ween shirt.

The ween subreddit is awful...... IS THIS BROWN??? XD




Does Denny's clients for his DeeJay business know he's on an alt right podcast run by a white nationalist with a domestic violence conviction under his belt?

They will now.

Hey Falcone,when ya suckin your own cock,do ya take the nigger hat off.