Dildo unchained

1  2018-12-11 by WhatTooReal


I think I matured in the actual job of being in a broadcast medium.

Then explain why you claimed up like a little bitch when Ronnie and Chomp were bickering. The last 8 years of O/A was Black crime statistics and the same three shit jokes that you and Worm would bury into the ground every day for twenty minutes at a clip.

He has no fucking idea why he used to be successful and now can't get anybody to show up to a book signing in his own home area.

All that shit he hated about Opie... Keeping the show moving instead of stagnating on a topic, taking calls, coming up with promotional ideas and stunts to stand out, dealing with the stations, employees and business people... Hyping or even overhyping their accomplishments to make the show feel bigger... Setting people up to hit comedic balls out of the park.

All that stuff that he doesn't do now, and doesn't have anybody to hold his hand and teach him? That was what made the difference between OnA at its best VS Compound Media or Sam and Jim. You can see as Opie lost interest in the show and stopped getting along with Ant that the show slipped as all this stuff slipped. When he's not there? The other 3 fall off a cliff.

Yeah that's why his podacast is such a huge success huh? Fuck off all 3 stink.

what's with the gregg ballwashers?

General faggotry.

It’s proof that most of these guys are just angsty little lambs, always in need of a hero.

The Opie love here is getting tired. Most of the people singing his praises are the same ones who have been bashing him for the last four fucking years. This sub was trashing him half a year ago, and now he can do no wrong.

I listen to old shows every day, and Opie is there constantly interrupting the flow of the show with inane phone calls and failed attempts at bits. None of you fucks listened to the show for Opie, and nobody here listens to his podcast for any reason other than to trash it.

You don't have to portray Opie as better than he is, just to take a shit on Anthony and Jimmy. They might be garbage people, but at least they were funny.

Jim & Ant are funny when they are kept from lapping the same joke or reference for 20 minutes. And Opie's use of standard radio tricks (news, topics, bits) allowed Jim & Ant to riff on different subjects they wouldn't normally have if they were running the show. It actually led to some of the funniest riffs & laughs.

still doesn't excuse the gergg ballwashers

same tired references over and over....Kitner boy, Rupert Pupkin, that was all the money we had Karen, Jake LaMotta...I've actually never heard Ant reference a movie from after 2000

The obsession over Back to the Future was such a bore.

Especially when he was 40 when it came it out.

That horrible Opie made me promote the show and did stunts for publicity. If only he had seen the genius in letting me go on 45 min race rants and screaming about politics and guns at the top of my lungs! What a dummy that Opie was to get attention and listeners with hot chicks and funny gags instead of alienating people and screaming BEHAVE at the dumb niggers like we do at Compound Media!

Ant is so delusional that he thinks his boring, humourless, angry, uninformed show is crossing the political spectrum and attracting an audience. What a useless old wash out. Why does he even try with his “network”? What an absolute embarrassment

Listen to old clips where he laughs and mocks Mancow for trying to be a shock jock who pretended that station managers and program directors made him do all that awful shock jock stuff. Ant dedicated hours to calling Mancow a loser and a phony and mocking him for being a shock jock who now tries to make political shows and be an important part of the political discussion.

It's word for word what Anthony became.

And now, he's just doing the extreme version of the Mancow show. Really, everyone should have seen it coming when he made a "good point" on the Mancow show trying to prank him.

If he closed up shop with the network, that would be admitting defeat to Reddit. One quality the Cumias have is they always double down, no matter how retarded their position.

I think after trying his hardest at the roast to be funny, and bombing horrendously, he realized he can no longer entertain his fans, so he will have to rely on people's addiction to political outrage for show content. It's the last gasp of a desperate dunce.


Why does he even try with his “network”?

Does he do that?

Was the show still O&A when Opie started barring porn star guests?

I feel like that was an Opie and Jim thing, but I might be wrong. After a dozen embarassing, boring dumb ones where it was clear Jim was just using his seat to get close to porn stars.

I hate porn star guests. They’re mostly the same and it glorifies whores. Only the most twisted degenerate wants to hear the “thoughts” of these sub-humans. I’ll blast off to theor videos and that’s it the extent of my interest in them.

“I’d rather try touching the moon than take on a whore’s thinking.”—-Al Swearengen

If they had them on to subtly make fun of them that's one thing but not a single person is interested in hearing a serious conversation with them. Jim turned into such a white knight faggot trying to be friends with porn stars.

Yeah. Jim is a fucking creep. When Stern did this, there was camp and some semi-meanspiritef questioning. Norton interviews them like they’re important and have meaningul insights into anything besides taking drugs and cocks.

They were only good when Opie made them cry.

Even better when Patrice did it to the whore that wouldn't take off her coat.

He learned from the best. What did you think they talked about when they spent all night on the phone?

Even when everyone hated Opie here we still admitted he was right about the porn whores.

If you're having a fun discussion about what you believe in, I don't think you're driving away those who have a different viewpoint.

Which is why, when Colin "I write about black crime, I document it" Flaherty was talking about bullshit and Ronnie B interjected some light-hearted humor, Anthony joined in on the ribbing. Colin took it in stride instead of being a humorless racist, and a fun discussion resulted.

Who knew that when Obama won in 2008 and Anthony spiraled into booze and pill-fueled racist gun-nut paranoia that we were witnessing his "maturation" as a "broadcaster"? And here I thought his turn toward unfunny crabbiness was just a side effect related to his poor upbringing and/or drug and alcohol abuse. Little did we know it was all part of a larger plan, a long-term career move designed to move his personal brand away from the childish and silly shock jock gags (which were largely Opie's doing) and toward a more sophisticated, erudite exchange of ideas-based broadcasting model.

I don't think that's what happened sir.

Is this the whole book.. I heard it was short but jeez

LOL yeah, I vividly recall Ant desperately trying to have an adult discussion about politics and current events while some whore was shooting bottle rockets from her clam. Typical wet-brain, revising history way after the fact.

Right after the Sue Lightning story broke, to prove his heterosexuality Tony Two shirts had a pornstar nude, spread eagle and fingering herself until she squirted so they coukd test her quim for urine.

That's broadcasting!


Hahaha holy shit

Also, it's frequently forgotten that TACS has a "squirting show" with some sloppy no-name porn star after the Sue Lightning outing to prove how heterosexual he was.

Every TACS show is forgotten

You would have to have seen it to forget it.

What an unaware dip

Before this retard lost his twitter accounts, he was constantly telling people he didn't talk about politics on his show.

What a delusion old faggot. I hope the next wifflebat challenge involves beating him upside the head with it.

Nothing is ever his fault and the only thing people around around him do is keep him from become greater than he already is.

This was actually true of the retarded sycophants he keeps around like Joe and Keith, but they're not the ones he blames obviously

“compelling, interesting conversation.”


Holy Shit!

I hated those shock jock bits when they were still trying to do that shit in the late 2000s. But if not for Opie and that shock jockery nonsense 90% of us would have never even heard of them. That's what got them their success pre-XM.

"I don't want to do anything that requires any major preparation or effort outside show hours."

I like how he says "discuss current affairs and politics" like it didn't always descend into him high-pitched howling about Obamaphones or shrieking "obama president now!" over and over again. Such insight he brought to the marketplace of ideas. Truly one of our great political thinkers. Although to be fair, he did stay perfectly calm and measured as he defended eugenics for 45 minutes.

His "Bowling for behave" rant was quite clearly just open and honest discussion.

There is no difference between a woman shooting eggs out of her pussy and Anthony parroting right wing talking points.

hashing out ideas for compound shows

I guess they stopped at "idea". Not that I think he should be doing 55 gal challenge shit, but the reason he's not doing anything besides sitting at his desk for 1h58 every day is because it would require more effort than the bare minimum.

Not to mention he could never do it at his new studio; do you know how hard it is to get 55 gallon drums into the city?

"such a rare thing these days" is what I say after most of my half blackout rants.

None of what he wrote makes any sense and every part of it conflicts with reality.

Their show sucked after WNEW. Their ratings weren't good.

Who would read a book by someone who never read a book. Its the chip cartoon all over again.

It is completely and utterly disorganized. A 2nd grader knows more about story structure than Ant does.

Dindu Unchained

I obviously never read any of this shit book, but just seeing this excerpt from it has me astonished at how delusional he really has become. It's mental.

"matured"?! He can't be serious right? I'm fucking gobsmacked

It's a wonderful book that mixes a bit of truth with a bit of re-written history.

And by wonderful, I mean it's worse than Jim Norton's books.

Written like a true high-school dropout. God damn this book is a piece of shit.

Did you hear? He has a pool. How fucking cool

"We get it, Obama president naw and you hate whitey, go screw!"

Such a compelling and interesting political discussion

Open and Honest (TM).

Thank you for your service. I'm just too lazy to do shit like this.

He's so delusional. Does anyone buy that the logistics of getting a woman into the studio to shoot out eggs for just ONE day is easier than just talking about how much 'those' people need to behave 5 days a week?

Oh god, how embarrassing.

All the shit they did kind of fit in with the time. For the same reason darth vader told luke he was his father in 1980.

Just enjoy it for what it was and shut the fuck up and stop being such a faggot

"Chained no more!"


Ah, that short wistful period between Anthony's firing and the premiere of his "show". All that promise and excitement that he was going to take on the whole world before reality and his natural laziness made him crash on day 1.

Matured into a green screen paywall podcast that no one knows about lol that veteran experience really showing.

What useless research.

I always get a kick out of Ant's revisionist history about being sometime of intellectual.

It's like he took the old Professor AnTony bit serious.