Did anyone tweet Opie's slam on Jimmy to the Worm?

1  2018-12-11 by TangerineReam

No response from him today. Probably because he's a worm...


i imagine Jimmy'y car parked infront of a greenhouse, himself hiding in a ripe red apple right now

I'm no Opie fan, and a lot of what Opie was "dropping" yesterday, was more to obfuscate his role in everything. Keep in mind: He would rather blame everyone else, and not only that, but to try - in every interaction - to manipulate it so that YOU take the responsibility for every shitty situation you both find yourselves in with him. Opie is ABSOLUTELY his mother, and a piece of shit.

But; as a man, I can't keep defending Jim Norton. His silence and/or Chip bashings toward Opie (which, lets be honest, was funny at one point before we all decided that we hated Jim) is only hurting Norton's overall character. He has all the info and tools he needs to take Opie down, he just won't because - in his delusional mind - this is him taking the high road and keeping his hands clean. But it's not even close to that.

Jim can't keep avoiding firing back, and the way he's been responding already, hasn't buttressed his personal character. He's gotta do something. He really has nothing to lose by doing it, because Opie can't help him (or anyone) anymore, and he already has a cushy job that doesn't seem to want to fire him, despite his best unintentional efforts.

I ran out of speed and and I just can't read this.


I just physically can't.


before we all decided that we hated Jim


He would tell us if he heard it, genuinely