Never once has a comedian's sexual habits been interesting

1  2018-12-11 by NeerDoWell19

What made O&A and shows like Tough Crowd funny was always mean spirited humor and never the yawn and cringe-inducing "confessionals" that dorks like Norton made about the weird sex shit they're into. Yet for some reason, they picture themselves as provocative rebels and troubled anti-heroes shocking a repressed society by opening up about their paraphilias.

You're not Elvis shaking his hips in the 50's or even Ozzy biting the head off a bat in 1982 (which was already contrived.) You're a lonely old man pulling his pud in an empty apartment. You're not shocking. You're boring and gross.

Also, you're gay.



What a fag

Vince Champ

Vinson Horace Champ (born September 12, 1961) is a former American comedian and convicted rapist. He was the winner of Star Search in 1992. In 1997 he was convicted as a serial rapist when his tour schedule and DNA matched up with a series of rapes on college campuses. He is currently serving a 30 to 40-year sentence at Nebraska State Penitentiary.

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It would be more interesting if we could find one that wasn't a rapist.

uh oh sounds like someones been listening to too many leftist podcasts #metoo

I was referring to him being a basketball American.

Fred Stoller: "he would go around to college campuses doing stand-up and raping people..."

"...perhaps the worst gimmick a comic ever had" - Norm

Also funny little line of Norms:

FS: "Who was that guy, that comedian who went to jail for raping college students?"

Norm: "Ah, yes; Vince Champ! A good friend of mine!"

Cosby's were

Whenever they'd bring women into the studio I'd tune out. They get so boring: they just want to get a thrill for themselves and it's never fun for the audience. I remember they interviewed Belle Knox and then complained when someone called them out for doing a white knight segment. The listener was right, and they got annoyed because he called them on it.

Even on the CQ vs Norton compilation, there’s a section where they have the Penthouse pet of the year in studio and it’s pathetic how much worse the show is because all these pussies can’t be themselves around a chick with big tits. Even Colin was doing it and he’s half a fanook.

O&A were frauds pretty much their entire career. I love how they talked about how they trashed Tucker Max on their show but their "trashing" just amounted to them pretending that his microphone didn't work while acting all apologetic instead of actually confronting the fucking guy.

How many Baby Boys was that caller subjected to?

BABY BOY! What’s the matter BABY BOY, you don’t like horrible, boring, self-indulgent radio? BABY BOY!

Didn't Jim steal that from another comedian?

he stole it from a gay guy that hurt his feelings when he was called that

Well what can anyone expect from a worm?

Colin, who always called Jim that

Lady Di saved that bit.

"I just threw up in the sink."

I gotta get it all out I just gotta

Wasn't that what led to her revealing she took it in the ass every weekend in the 80s?

Ok, you really want to know? I lost my virginity on a door in an abandoned house.

Nothing led her to that, sge just blurted it out like a non sequitur for no fucking reason and without prompting.

It was probably because she briefly wasn't the center of attention and thought "they'll pay attention to a cute girl talking about sex"

That fucking dumb white knight bit was fucking enraging. Easily one of the worst moments in show history.

The only thing they should do with porn stars is call them whores and cunts and throw them out. Anything else is a waste of fucking time with those useless whores who fuck for money

Nah there were a few good segments were they didn't find the girls attractive and would dissect or treat them like shit and make them cry. Making fun of them to their face was the best,.

Norton would always immediately jump to questioning the masculinity and sexuality of any caller who pointed out how boring the porn star segments were. It's fascinating in hindsight how little Jim cared about the listeners while on O&A. Opie and even Anthony at times would consider how interesting the show actually was from the perspective of someone listening to it. That rarely ever crossed Jim "Celebrity Autograph Hound" Norton's mind. "YOU AND YOU GET THE FUCK OUT!!! GET BROCK LESNER IN HERE NOW!"

The glass dildos are still hilarious.

This sidebar for this one is Norton crying into this webcam and it's helping me enjoy this post.

He really believes how provocative, taboo breaking and brave his whole shtick is in the day and age where this is considered a wholesome family event.

Untalented, out of touch queer.

Nobody's sexual habits are interesting. Everybody with a normal libido is horny. That's it. Everybody likes sex and sexual things. Talking about it just makes it not fun and gross.

Exactly. Comedians exemplify this pathetic trend of modern people forming identities around wanting pats on the back for being self-indulgent slaves to their base desires.

Take Artie Lange and the 8 books he has about what a drug addict he is. Or Amy Moomer crafting everything she releases around being a shameless fat slob with a bad attitude. Norton is the exact same way, with every special having some reference to his stupid sexual dysfunctions in the title. It's completely trite and the worst part is these people think they're being rebellious by doing it.

You're such a queer. Jesus Christ you dont talk about sex because it's "gross". Are you a fucking Puritan?

I didn't say sex is gross, reread my comment when you sober up. Nobody want's to hear about how horny you are or about your sexual desires. It's not edgy and makes you sound like a loser. I bet your like talking about weed too and how NOBODY can tell you what to do. Grow up.

went ahead and upvoted cause of the technique demonstrated with last sentence

Have you seen Bret Kersher take his shirt of though?

What about Bill Cosby?

Colin and Norm are great, everybody else is pretty much half a fag

I love hearing Florentine talk about his sex life. Because he doesn't seem to be making shit up, unlike Norton.

This is why female “comedians” like Pig Amy Schumer aren’t funny