Untalented, Unfunny, Unhealthy, Annoying

1  2018-12-10 by Sandwhich3000


Just think about how rich you could be if you were friends with Joe Rogan

Truth. Schaub has been doing stand up for about a year, is terrible, and headlines. Actually makes a mockery of comics being told they have to pay their dues.

If he was competent at stand up I could see a fast rise as he's a former ufc fighter but you're 100% correct

Yeah, it’s like Stuttering John doing stand up.

both have speech impediments too

He barely has a tongue and he's getting gigs.


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So does Eddie Bravo. Fucking terrible, worse than a woman comic.

Eddie bravo is a literal retarded man who thinks he is "in the know" about government conspiracies.

Wait, Eddie Bravo does fucking stand up now?

Oh yes. Unfortunately. Pray you're never stuck watching it.

IIRC Bert's dad is a high profile lawyer or some shit; he was born into wealth like most of Rogan's sycophants


Lol, I finally get. That one's a thinker.


He got drunk with Russian GANGSTERS

I'd love to hear that story.

well it never comes up, so tough luck

They call him the machineski

What a terrible role model for his daughters

For anyone really

Those are some great tits to aspire to though

You forgot balding.


Is this the shaved ape from Roe Jogan's JRE appearance?

Nah, that was just Joe Rogan.

The other shaved ape

My good looks paid for that pool, and my lies filled it with water. Hi, I'm Bert Kreischer, your future shitpost.

Nice backyard, stupid. That pool isn't even large enough to drown this trite buffaler, but boy would I like to try.

Bring your harpoons, that blubber will keep us warm for the winter.

For Los Angeles, that's a huge pool. You have to spend upwards of $10,000,000 to get a bigger lot than that in the city.

Shirt Blifligher is funny

he looks like the sort of faggot that posts naked women on this subreddit

:::::kicks rock:::::

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah

He’s doing Will Ferrell’s character from Old School.

I'll say what you are all thinking..... Sexy AF!

Id fuck the feces out of his wife tho

is this a beefers post?

I hear he has a story about a Russian machinist or something that’s famous.

Something about robbing a machine shop of scrap aluminum

That forced laugh of his is annoying as hell

Look at that faggoty dainty gold watch. I bet he jacks off with that gold watch on.

What the fuck, that's not traditional clothing! What's this madman doing?!

Isn’t this the racist comedian brint Christler that the psycho murderer and his wife are always raving about on their podacast?

High and tight

another useless faggot who got 'famous' by being joe rogans friend.

this sack of shit is not even good at being fat, it is his number one gimmick, and he is barely 200lbs.

i was 200lbs when i was 9.

are you dead now?

no, i am alive, about 320lbs, and still much healthier and stronger than delusional joe rogan and his druggie friends.


Why do all of Joe Rogan’s friends fucking suck

Everyone he likes is both hateable and unfunny

Bert Kreischer, Joey Diaz, Tom Segura, Ari Shaffir, Brian Redban, Tait Fletcher, Tony Hinchcliffe. None of them have ever made me even sort of laugh

Callen is the worst.

There’s almost no hint of manhood down there....awful.

Truth. Schaub has been doing stand up for about a year, is terrible, and headlines. Actually makes a mockery of comics being told they have to pay their dues.

IIRC Bert's dad is a high profile lawyer or some shit; he was born into wealth like most of Rogan's sycophants